The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1713 Who Lies The Most In The Family

Chapter 1713 Who Lies The Most In The Family

The answer to another question is not completely consistent. Although you can score, you can only get half of the points.

Considering Yu Yuanyuan's appetite, Yu Jinxiao planned to get as many points as possible from the beginning.

"Yuanyuan's answer is different from that of her brothers, why is it her father?" Xie Xin was also curious.

Since everyone agrees that Yu Yuanyuan is the most courageous, doesn't this little Douding feel that he is courageous?
It's quite "modest"...

"Because Dad encounters very dangerous and dangerous things, he will be very brave to save Yuanyuan and his brothers, Dad is the most courageous one!" Yu Zaizai finished speaking, and then raised his round claws , posing a superman-like shape.

With this cute outfit, what everyone feels is not a joke, but a child's unconditional trust and admiration for his father.

"Wow, listening to Yuanyuan's words is amazing!" Xie Xin actually clapped his palms, as if deliberately guiding Yu Yuanyuan's words, "For example, is there anything you can talk about?"

"Ah, that's the one..." Without much hesitation, Yu Zaizai opened his mouth.

Yu Jinxiao's face sank in another partition, but unfortunately they were too far apart, and there was no way to warn Yu Yuanyuan in time not to say things that shouldn't be said.

Not only Yu Jinxiao, but Yu Yingze and Yu Mingxi were all sweating for her.

"That's the can't talk about it, it's Yuanyuan and Baba's little secret, don't let people talk about it, hehe~" The silly-looking little boy was not successful by Xie Xin's routine.


"Because this secret belongs to Yuanyuan and Baba, if you tell others, it will not only belong to Yuanyuan and Baba, no~"

"Okay, okay, we respect Yuanyuan's ideas." Xie Xin nodded with a smile, raised his eyebrows and deliberately glanced in Yu Jinxiao's direction.

Too many things happened before, when Xie Xin proposed to announce Yu Yuanyuan's identity in the last issue, Yu Jinxiao had scruples.

But Xiao Zai Zai, who usually seems unreliable and easy to leak, still remembers his father's advice at critical moments.

For some reason, Yu Jinxiao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

From the beginning of the game to the present, that tense nerve seems to have suddenly relaxed a lot.

"Currently, Yuanyuan's family has scored 35 points in total, and there is one last question! Get ready!"

Yu Yuanyuan nodded, and carefully exhaled two breaths from her nose.

I saw a line of words appearing on the electronic question board.

After He Chen translated the content, Xiao Zai Zai's eyes widened in surprise.

Who do you think lies the most in your family?
A question that sounds...very divisive.

This question silenced everyone, and almost no one quickly wrote the answer on the question board.

After hesitating to answer the question and speeding up the end, someone picked up a pen and wrote on the question board, and got stuck thinking of a name to write on it at the last second.

Such a question seemed to deliberately provoke the relationship between the family, but Xie Xin knew that the Yu family would never disappoint.

"Let's take a look at what Mingxi wrote. The answer is...huh?" Xie Xin paused for a moment before continuing to read, "Mingxi wrote his own name."

"I think no matter whether you are a child or an adult, you will tell lies more or less. It doesn't have to be malicious, and it doesn't necessarily hurt others." Yu Mingxi's voice is very nice. When he speaks, everyone listens very carefully. "However, under such a problem, writing someone else's name may be a kind of avoidable harm."

(End of this chapter)

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