Chapter 1716
Before Xie Xin said eating, everyone knew it was not that easy!

The fathers who have participated in the recording before are familiar with Director Xie's evil operations.

"This is the dish for everyone's lunch today," Xie Xin said with a smile, "corresponding to the name of the dish on these notes, there are 25 other notes with the same dish name but with a green background. Everyone find what they want. After the menu note, you can start the meal!"

"Looking for it? How? Where? Here?" Meng Hanyu was about to squat down and lift the table when he heard this.

If Qiu Yang didn't stop him, his mother might have turned the dining table over to look for her.

"That's right, I'm looking for it here, everyone, come on."

After Xie Xin said the last sentence, he folded his arms and stopped giving any reminders.

This can create a dire sense of urgency for families.

When the children are hungry, they search quickly and slowly, which determines the time for the children to eat.

Everyone seemed to be a starving ghost, almost tossing the grass.

Even Ling Zi, who seldom moves on weekdays, squatted down and picked the grass to find the note. Green grass is the easiest way to hide green notes.

Everyone was turning tables and cabinets, only the four members of the Yu family stood still.

Yu Jinxiao didn't want to lie on the ground like a monkey looking for it. Moreover, after observing for 2 minutes, so many people searched this place, but no one found the note.

I'm afraid they misunderstood the rules of the game.

Yu Mingxi looked sideways, and found that a child had already climbed the rose trellis on the side, and was stabbed twice, so painful that he jumped down.

With so many people sweeping a small area, they found nothing within 5 minutes.

Yu Mingxi has been secretly observing Xie Xin's reaction.

He stared at the group of people looking around like headless chickens, with a smug smile on his lips.

This pride should come from the fact that no one has found the right place yet.

Yu Mingxi looked around calmly with his eyes, and his brain was thinking non-stop.

Suddenly, with a flash of inspiration in his mind, Yu Mingxi put Yu Yuanyuan back to the ground.

Xiao Zai Zai, who was watching a play on his brother's shoulder: "?"

"Yuanyuan, don't move, I'll look at your head." Yu Mingxi reminded softly.


Under Yu Yuanyuan's hairpin, Yu Mingxi slowly pulled out a small piece of green paper wrapped in long strips.

The note was originally short, less than a small knuckle, and it was rolled up on purpose, so it was even more difficult to be found.

Just as they got out of the car, when He Chen and Yu Yingze finished greeting each other, a female staff member came forward to make adjustments on the pretext that Yuanyuan's hairpin was crooked.

But Yu Mingxi always believed that Yu Yuanyuan's hairpin was not crooked at all. Thinking about it now, the staff seemed to find a reason to adjust it on purpose.

This seemingly imperceptible little matter was remembered at this time, and Yu Mingxi secretly felt that something was wrong.

"It's amazing!" Yu Yuanyuan covered her little head.

"Huh? Isn't this just a note with the name of the dish on it!" Yu Yingze's loud voice successfully attracted everyone, "Brother, you are amazing! You are so smart!!!"

"What?! Someone found it? Where was it found??"

I don't know who answered the voice, and in an instant a large group of people rushed over and surrounded Yu Mingxi tightly.

"Mingxi, where did you find it?" There was a lot of chatter around, filled with eager inquiries from the parents.

Yu Jinxiao cleared his throat, even though his voice was not loud, but the aura that cannot be ignored instantly intervened, calming down the group of anxious parents immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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