The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1722 Humbleness is written all over her face

Chapter 1722 Humbleness is written all over her face
Xie Xin signaled each family to line up and let the staff announce one by one.

The first one to be announced was Sun Chengyu's mother, and the winner was tent No. 2, which was in good condition and was second only to tent No. 1 in the best condition.

The second one is Su Zhirui's mother, who won the No. 3 tent. The conditions are average, but it is no problem to take a nap.

The third one was Qiu Yang's mother, Meng Hanyu, who drew tent No. 4. It seemed that the conditions were not good, but at least it was better than tent No. 5, which was in the worst condition.

I didn't expect things to develop so dramatically!
The No. 1 tent with the best condition and the No. 5 tent with the worst condition have been compressed into the last two unannounced families.

Yu Yingze has the winning chance, and with Yu Yuanyuan on their side, luck must belong to them!

Xie Xin deliberately did not announce the numbers drawn by Yu's family first, but asked Ling Zi to open the small ball in his hand.

With everyone's attention, he held up the small ball with "No. 1" written on it.

"Wow, that's great!" Ling Zi's family was so happy that they hugged each other.

Regarding this luck, Ling Zi didn't have much joy on his face, but the corners of his eyes were bent, expressing his feelings lightly.

Yu Yingze hasn't opened the ball to see the number, but he doesn't want to open it anymore.

Using the method of elimination, it is known that the tent in his hand should be the No. 5 tent with the worst conditions, there is no suspense.

Unless Xie Xin's conscience finds out, he suddenly adds something good to tent No. 1.

Yu Yingze waited and waited, and even showed Qiuqiu's number, but Xie Xin didn't change his words.

Wait a minute, are you really going to sleep in that cramped-looking tent? ? ?

"Okay, everyone can go to their own tents to rest!" After Xie Xin finished speaking, he watched every family go to their own tents, except for the members of Yu's family who remained motionless.

Several pairs of eyes stared at him, as if they wanted to find some surprises from Xie Xin.

How could Xie Xin not understand, he raised his chin with a smile, and signaled them to hurry up: "The lunch break is only until 2 o'clock."

Yu Jinxiao: "..." It seems that they really didn't prepare a "surprise" for them.

He took the two little hands beside him and came to the single-person tent that looked cramped.

It is barely enough to sleep two children, but it is too difficult to sleep three children and one adult.

"I don't need to sleep!" He Chen stood outside the tent and waved his hands, "I'll just find a bench and play with my phone."

[Hahahaha He Shen's face is full of humbleness]

[Shouldn't he be counted in the first place!I see other guests are sitting aside to play! 】

Yu Jinxiao: "..." Silence is my last answer.

He Chen suddenly realized something. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the sun umbrella on the side. There were tables, chairs and benches under the umbrella. The number was exactly the same as that of the admitted guests.

Jin Man and Jian Yiran had already sat down in advance, and they were discussing something with great interest.

It turns out...the tent doesn't belong to him at all!
What I said just now was too pretentious! ! !
He Chen smiled awkwardly, got up and walked under the umbrella, picking a seat with his back facing Yu Jinxiao.

"Ah duck!" The three children who had already played in the tent yelled.

Yu Mingxi wanted to coax Yuanyuan to take a nap, but Yu Yingze didn't want to sleep, and kept playing with Yu Yuanyuan, tickling her, making her roll on the spot.

The tent space, which is not spacious at all, looks more and more suffocating.

"Don't go to sleep, if you continue to make trouble, you won't have the energy to record the program in the afternoon." Yu Jinxiao squatted outside with his hands folded, his eyes swept away, and Yu Yingze immediately became honest.

Xiao Zai Zai rolled around in a mess, his head has become a chicken coop.

"Oh~ Baba come and sleep together~"

(End of this chapter)

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