The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1726 I won't get tired of lying~~

Chapter 1726 I won't get tired of lying~~
Xie Xin was announcing the order drawn by others, He Chen's head was buzzing, he couldn't listen to a word, he was sweating profusely staring at the ball in his hand.

Dinner is very important to Yuanyuan! !
If he makes a mistake on this, what if Yuanyuan hates him, woo woo woo.

"He Chen, why don't you open it and have a look?"

"Yes... I'm a little nervous." He Chen swallowed.

Seeing his sweaty face, Xie Xin simply "kindly" opened the ball for him.

"The order is: No. 1 Yingze, No. 2 Mr. Yu, No. 3 Mingxi, No. 4 Yuanyuan, and then continue to rotate in this order, the fifth is Yingze, the sixth is Mr. Yu, and the last is Mingxi !"


He Chen felt like the sky was falling.

As long as he survived, he got the order where Yu Yuanyuan only had one chance! ! !

The order is determined, the rules of the game are declared over, and the afternoon is given to them to collect the menu.

In fact, the seven menus are more or less.

Because this area has just been developed into a tourist area, most of the aborigines went out to work in the past two years. There are very few people living here, and there are not many tourists. It is not so easy to find someone to ask questions.

Before going out just now, Xie Xin added another missing request - not to ask the staff of the program group.

That means, they have to go out and get serious about finding someone.

There are many roads outside, and the scenery is beautiful, but also quietly exaggerated.

Every family split up and Yu Jinxiao let Yu Yuanyuan choose a path she likes.

But along the way, I didn't even meet a pedestrian.

Surrounded by newly built Nordic-style green roads, a patch of pale pink roses hangs all over the wall. The romantic atmosphere is enough, but Yu Jinxiao is not in the mood to appreciate it.

"Baba, what are we going to do now?"

"Need to find someone."

"Don't you have a lot of silver?" Yu Yuanyuan, who obviously didn't listen to Xie Xin, raised her finger to a group of staff behind her.

"People in the program group can't, you have to find other people; moreover, you can't find the same person twice."

"Oh~~Then follow Yuanyuan~" After saying that, Yu Zaizai stepped forward with confidence.

Only then did Yu Jinxiao realize that he had forgotten Yu Yuanyuan's skill - smell.

It's just that the air is filled with a strong scent of flowers, can you really find people by smell?


Suddenly a nervous cat's head popped out of the grass, and when it saw someone, it immediately wanted to dodge and hide.

When Yu Yuanyuan saw it, she immediately raised her palm happily: "Meow meow, howl~"

Meow: "Are you sei? How can I understand you!"

For this kind of question that has been asked countless times, Yu Yuanyuan has automatically blocked it. She squatted down like a little mushroom with an umbrella open: "Meow, do you know where Yin lives near here?"

"Why should I tell you?" Miaomiao frowned.

Even if they are all Miaomiao, not all of them can talk to each other and be friendly.

"If you bring Yuanyuan to find someone, Yuanyuan will ask Baba to buy you ham sausage." After finishing speaking, Yu Yuanyuan raised her paw and pointed behind her.

Miaomiao was dubious, hesitated for a while, and finally agreed: "That's fine, don't lie to me, be careful I will scratch you!"

"I won't get tired of lying~~"

After saying that, the meow actually walked forward with Yu Yuanyuan.

As it walked, it stopped impatiently to wait for the cub, and the meow that ordinary people could not understand seemed to be urging.

Just when everyone else thought it was a beautiful coincidence between children and small animals, Miaomiao actually brought Yu Yuanyuan to a small, half-open wooden door.

(End of this chapter)

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