The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1731 Yuanyuan's going out, it's bound to go well!

Chapter 1731 Yuanyuan's going out, it must go well!
Yu Jinxiao sensed Xiao Qiuqiu's eyes, folded his arms and stared back at those big eyes: "Watching too much TV is not good for your eyes."

Baba didn't deny it! ! !

Although Xiao Zai Zai usually watches whenever she wants, but her hobbies are too extensive, and she can't stay in front of the TV for long.

In addition to watching cute 1+1, she spends more time drawing in the room, looking for big flowers, playing grass in the yard, or just going out with Yu Yingze to play hide-and-seek with the children.

To some extent, Yu Yuanyuan is absolutely a perfect child.

There is no need for Yu Jinxiao to repeatedly emphasize that she is not allowed to watch TV, and her daily routine is unreasonably healthy.

"Then...that Yuanyuan will watch TV less in the future and protect her eyes."

The topic drifted further and further away, but Yu Mingxi still hadn't forgotten his mission, and approached the fence with a smile: "By the way, what's your favorite dish?"

When the little boy heard it, he thought about it for a while, and it seemed that it was difficult to pick an answer for a while.

"Then choose stir-fried beef with green peppers," the little boy said while drooling. "My mother's cooking is delicious. Every time she cooks this dish, I can order a big bowl of rice!"

"!!!" Yu Zaizai's eyes widened.

There are "peppers"!Green pepper!spicy! !

"There are also non-spicy green peppers." Yu Yingze specially explained in order to comfort the little boy.

"Spicy must be used, spicy is delicious!!!" The little boy emphasized loudly.

Although Yu Yingze really wanted to nod his head in agreement, but...the three dishes in a row are spicy dishes, what about Yuanyuan, father and brother?
Suppressing the agreement in his heart, Yu Yingze turned his head and glared at the little boy, implying that he should stop talking.

"Sister, sister," Yu Yuanyuan made a sharp turn like a minivan, and grabbed the staff responsible for statistics, "We don't eat spicy chili, okay?"

The staff squatted down helplessly, and patted Yuanyuan's head guiltily: "But the little brother emphasized that spicy food should be used. This is the rule of the game. I'm sorry, Yuanyuan."

"Okay." Xiao Zai Zai, who fought for two seconds, gave up on the spot.

Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to give up.

Yu Jinxiao silently watched Yu Yuanyuan's acting like a baby.

He really hoped that Yu Yuanyuan would fight for it, and Mingxi couldn't eat spicy food, and the menu he got now was full of spicy dishes, which wouldn't give their family a chance to survive!
Unexpectedly, when Yu Yuanyuan launched a cute attack, the opponent was indifferent!

What kind of concentration is this! !

"It's okay, Yuanyuan will be the next one, and it will go well!" Yu Mingxi picked up the cub, shook her, and continued to walk forward.

Yuanyuan is their backbone, so don't be discouraged.

"That's right!" Yu Yuanyuan shouted for a second, raising her round claws.

A group of people walked down this alley and saw many doors.

The wall is antique, and green branches hang down from the high flower bed, covered with small yellow flowers.

Yu Yuanyuan leaned against Yu Mingxi's neck, and wanted to reach out to touch it several times, but she was afraid of hurting Xiao Huahua, so her round fingers only dared to poke in the air from a certain distance.

They knocked on the door one by one. No one was there in the first few houses, and finally someone opened the door in the penultimate house.

"You howl~~" This time it was Yu Yuanyuan's turn, Xiao Zai Zai immediately took the initiative to say hello.

It was a young girl who opened the door, sixteen or seventeen years old, she was dumbfounded when she saw so many people outside.

"What's the situation?" The girl's eyes widened.

(End of this chapter)

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