The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1739 Because I Want To Eat

Chapter 1739 Because I Want To Eat

Yu Jinxiao turned the question board, and Xie Xin read out what he wrote word by word.

"Replace the spicy hot pot with... boiled cabbage heart..."

After He Chen heard the answer, his heart skipped a beat, and he almost fell off the stool in such a state of depression.

The expressions of ups and downs are all written on the face, and the bullet screen is bursting with laughter.

Many people think that He Chen has a talent for variety shows because of his cuteness 1+1.

His emotions are not like acting, exaggerated, but real, and because of this, it always brings unexpected laughs.

"Ah, why is Baba's answer different from Yuanyuan's answer?" Yu Yuanyuan jumped off the bench, turned around He Chen's question board, and held up her claws to count.

I don't know how to read, but she can count!

The second row of dishes written by the delicious brother is three words, and the one written by Baba is four words!
It's over! !

Don't bully the spicy hot pot! !
It will turn her into a ball of fire!
"Oh, wait, the boiled cabbage heart has been crossed out, and it has been changed to... sauced pork bun," Xie Xin finished speaking, and then glanced at He Chen's question board, "Mr. Yu and Yuanyuan, Ming Xi's answer is the same, the replacement was successful!"

It was thought to be a failure in the last second, and it was declared a success in this second.

It was difficult for Yu Yuanyuan's small head to turn around, she turned her head and looked around in confusion.

He Chen grabbed her little hand and shouted, "Yuanyuan! We succeeded again!"

"Really...really! Did you eat a bag?" Xiao Zai Zai asked in surprise.

"That's right!!"

"Yeah! Pulling is so boring!" Yu Zaizai jumped up and raised his paws and cheered.

But she can only choose one of raising her claws and jumping, and she can only raise her claws after jumping every time. The small gesture of celebration is very special.

"I'm curious, why did Mr. Yu and Mingxi choose the sauced meat buns at the same time?"

Yu Jinxiao snorted softly: "The matter has to start with the crew..."

Cubs filming in the desert eat a big meat bun every day.

Sometimes she didn't have anything to eat when she went home, she still thought about it, and Aunt Chen even made her a few sauced pork buns specially.

Every time Yu Yuanyuan ate it, she would happily praise it for a long time.

These small details seemed to be a page of records engraved in Yu Mingxi's heart. After seeing the option of "sauce meat bun", he wrote down the answer without hesitation.

Not to mention Yu Jinxiao.

He also ate it once or twice when he was filming in the desert with the little glutinous rice balls.

To him, the taste was just average, and he couldn't figure out why Xiao Zai Zai couldn't forget it.

"Now I'm wondering why Yingze wrote Potato Burned Pork Ribs..." After finishing speaking, Xie Xin looked at Yu Yingze who was the only one who made a wrong question.

Fortunately, he was the one who was wrong, and the change of dishes was not blocked.

Yu Yingze pursed his lips, and replied in a very low voice: "Because I want to eat."

[Good guy, this answer is something I didn't expect hahahaha]

[As expected of the second brother of the Yu family!I support you! 】

[Tacit understanding or something to wash, eating is the most important thing!Everyone, come and transform together! 】

The audience was amused by this answer, but the few people sitting in the cubicle were extremely quiet.

Everyone is taking care of Yu Yuanyuan's taste and wants to replace her with a dish without chili.

However, Yu Yingze has always liked spicy food, it seems that no one has really considered what he wants to eat.

"Everyone get ready, the third question! It's also the last question, seize the opportunity!"

After Xie Xin finished speaking, the menu was updated. Yu Yuanyuan's group did not have chili dishes, only stir-fried beef with green peppers and mapo tofu remained.

This time, Yu Zaizai didn't even look at it, and let He Chen write the answer on the answering board.

(End of this chapter)

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