The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1748 Laughing foolishly

It's true that their family can help... not many, He Yitong is thankful for not helping.

Su Zhirui's father and Sun Chengyu's father looked at the messy stove and shook their heads and sighed.

"Let's help, otherwise your speed... I'm afraid you will starve the child." Saying that, Su Zhirui's father was about to take the kitchen knife and start working.

"No need..." Yu Jinxiao subconsciously wanted to refuse.

Although his movements were a little clumsy, it was not enough to poison the child to death.

"Why are you being polite? We're almost done there. It's fine." Sun Chengyu's father waved his hand and motioned him to do other things, such as chopping and cooking, and leave it to them.

"Wow, Rui Rui's father is so annoying!" Xiao Zai Zai, who had been looking forward to the meal, clapped his paws.

Su Zhirui also came to join in the fun: "Yes! Dad's cooking is delicious!"

Su Zhirui's house and Sun Chengyu's house both know how to cook, so it's not a big problem for one person to come to Yu's house to help, but it will take longer.

But the time set aside by the program group is enough.

" about I go over to help?" He Yitong felt that she was a bit redundant here now, and someone else came over, or she would go over too.

She can't cut vegetables and cook, but she can try to help light the fire!
Especially seeing Su Zhirui's mother and Sun Chengyu's mother who were both making a fire and busy cooking.

"No, no, no," the two fathers seemed to have heard something terrible, "no need to help."

After Su Zhirui's father took the kitchen knife, there was the sound of cutting vegetables like a horseshoe on the cutting board, da da da...

The rhythm was regular and fast, and the speed at which the blade fell was so fast that Yu Jinxiao couldn't see clearly.

He cut the vegetables for almost half an hour, and others did it in 10 minutes.

Yu Jinxiao: "..." It's better not to be too aggressive, learn to give up and the world will be brighter.

It's just... Hearing Yu Yuanyuan praise other people's talent, Yu Jinxiao's brows still trembled, as if he suddenly choked on jealousy.

I like to eat this little glutinous rice balls, do you think it would be better to have a father who can cook?

Sun Chengyu's father and Su Zhirui's father stayed here to help, and Yu Jinxiao couldn't be idle, at least he had to do something... such as washing vegetables.

Let Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Mingxi wash the vegetables, but Yu Mingxi is the only one who is actually doing the washing, and the manpower is weak.

"Pull out to help Yuanyuan wash the vegetables?" Seeing this, Xiao Zaizai turned around excitedly, staring at the little head in the suit jacket, "Yuanyuan will teach you~"

Is it still taught to wash dishes?
I haven't washed the dishes, at least I have washed my face.

Yu Jinxiao didn't have the enthusiasm to fight against Xiaotangyuan, pretending to be listening to her teaching, and started washing in his hands.

"There's not enough water, we need to put it on again..." Saying that, Yu Yuanyuan bent over to turn on the faucet.

As a result, there was a bang, and the violently washed water splashed Yu Yuanyuan's face.

The unexpected cold water hit the face, frightening the young heart, and the whole cub froze in place.

Yuanyuan's claws were still on the switch, and he even forgot to turn it off.

Yu Jinxiao got up immediately, turned off the tap, pulled down Yu Yuanyuan's suit jacket on her head, and wiped her face.

"Wow—" Xiao Zai Zai cried and moaned, "It's so scary——"

This is often the case when the tap water pressure is abnormal.

"Quack quack, Yuanyuan, you are so funny." Yu Yingze held his stomach to hold back his laughter.

"?" Yu Yuanyuan hadn't come yet, and the cry of her anxious cry subsided, and after a pause, it turned into a "quack, quack, quack" laugh.

When he smiled, Yu Yuanyuan couldn't cry anymore, so she laughed foolishly.

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