The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1761 The Pink Ball

Yu Jinxiao was driving, He Yitong was sitting in the passenger seat, and the three children happened to be sitting in the back seat.

Come to think of it, it seemed like the family had been in a car for the first time.

"By the way, the movie that He Chen and I made before is about to be released, the tickets for the premiere..." He Yitong took out a few tickets from his backpack, not sure whether to hand them to Yu Jinxiao who was driving or to the one behind Children.

Dad was driving, and Yu Mingxi immediately reached out his hand to help pick it up: "Isn't that the one where Yuanyuan also made a cameo?"

"That's right, that's the one!"

"I remember finishing it for a long time."

"Aren't we allowed to edit, score and do special effects after the finale? Besides, there's still waiting for censorship," He Yitong explained, "Our movie has a lot of special effects, and it's done very well! It's very interesting!"

"Let's go and see together~~~" Yu Yuanyuan raised her round claws.

"Okay!" Yu Yingze agreed excitedly.

After the last episode of Moe Explosion 1+1 ended, it still remained popular on the Internet for a long time.

Not long after, movies in which Yu Yuanyuan made a cameo also became trending searches.

Xiao Zai Zai didn't feel much about his explosion.

The other children in the kindergarten did not dare to harass her casually, because she was always surrounded by three fierce little friends who seemed to be knights who sincerely protected her.

"The End of Homecoming" changed the shooting location, the desert scene was completely filmed, and the crew moved to a new scene to shoot other scenes.

Yu Yuanyuan takes time to shoot in other cities every week.

Zaizai, who is only in kindergarten, has to go back and forth between filming and school all week.

Finally came the day of the premiere of the film Xianxia starring He Yitong.

Yu Jinxiao deliberately asked for leave from the kindergarten and elementary school, and brought three friends in beautiful dresses and suits to attend.

Many celebrities came to participate, and there were also audiences who were lucky enough to win tickets for the premiere.

When the luxury car stopped at the starting point of the red carpet, it instantly attracted a lot of frenzied shooting from the media.

A pair of long legs made an eye-catching appearance, followed by Yu Jinxiao in a black dress, who appeared in everyone's sight.

The abstinence and attractive aura lingering over him instantly spread, causing a group of fans watching outside the fence to scream in horror.

Immediately, Yu Mingxi also got out of the car, and led Yu Yingze down as well.

Obviously wearing small suits of similar styles, but the styles of the two are completely different.

Yu Mingxi's gestures were elegant and gentle, while Yu Yingze seemed to be informal, with a button of his shirt unbuttoned, and a strand of hair hanging down from his combed hairstyle, covering his eyebrows and eyes.

The much-anticipated little ball is about to debut!

Excited screams sounded outside the car, as if a hundred thousand kettles were being boiled at the same time.

"Gao...Gao Susu, why are you screaming so scary outside!" the little cub nestled in the child seat asked weakly.

Yu Jinxiao was going around to the other side to come down with Yu Yuanyuan in his arms, and the little boy who was waiting obediently had time to chat with Gao Zhou.

"Miss Yuanyuan, there must be your fans in this group of people!"

"Fans!" Yu Zaizai widened his eyes.

"That's right, it's taro balls, your fans!"

The news of Yu Yuanyuan's return has been spread on the Internet for a long time, and the Yuyuan people are ready to move immediately.

Yu Jinxiao's slender figure came to the other side of the car, and even the gesture of opening the door made people want to admire it repeatedly.

The man with no smile on his face, opened the car door with gentle and careful movements, and hugged a small pink ball from the back seat.

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