The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1778 Actually Yu Jinxiao proposed that day?

Be grateful in your heart, and don't have to repeat what you say.

With Shen Ji looking at Yu Yuanyuan, Yu Jinxiao can rest assured to do other things.

There are many people who came here for him today, many of them are business partners, and some even turned down billions of cooperation contracts and came here for him.

Yu Jinxiao and He Yitong are the protagonists, so they naturally have to show sincerity.

Regarding the family, Yu Jinxiao is not worried, Yu Cangnan has made arrangements for it.

"Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan," He Chen trotted all the way, like a puppy who finally smelled meat, "Let's take a group photo!"

At the beginning, He Chen didn't expect that he would receive the invitation.

How dare he claim to be Yu Jinxiao's friend, when he learned about his proposal, he was just happy for him from the bottom of his heart.

Speaking of which, he also found out about Yu Jinxiao's proposal on the Internet.

On the day of the proposal, the blocks and high-rise buildings near Tianmu Square were all taken over by Yu Jinxiao, and the road section was also blocked. People who didn't know thought that something big happened.

Even on the night of the incident, there were rumors that "someone was a street shark and blocked the block for safety".

Yu Jinxiao knew that He Yitong didn't like being proposed under the eyes of a group of strangers, this feeling was very embarrassing.

But if he proposes to her in a cramped place, Yu Jinxiao always feels that the world cannot understand his sincerity and joy.

He came up with such a way -

The entire area and the streets were enclosed, without outsiders, but he used what he thought was enough sincerity to propose to her.

It will neither make He Yitong feel uncomfortable nor leave him with regrets.

However, I didn't expect Yu Jinxiao's blockade to be too thorough. To this day, there are still rumors on the Internet that "the street is blocked by sharks".

However, it was only just now that He Chen found out that the "street shark closure" that shocked Jiangcheng does not exist. Someone broke the news on the Internet that it was actually Yu Jinxiao who proposed to He Yitong that day.

Not long after, Yu Yingze, the busiest little photographer today, uploaded a photo to the Internet after getting Yu Jinxiao's consent.

The protagonists of the photo are Yu Jinxiao and He Yitong wearing wedding dresses and gowns, and in the lower right corner of the photo is Yu Yuanyuan wearing a cute little gauze skirt, pulling the hem of the wedding dress.

Almost instantly, the news of Yu Jinxiao and He Yitong's remarriage became the hottest topic of discussion, and it even paralyzed the Weibo for almost half an hour.

[Oh my god, I said they will definitely remarry! ! ! 】

【Am I the only one looking at Yuanyuan Cub? It's so cute ahhhhhhh】

【marvelous!The whole family should be together! 】

In the past, when "Yu Jinxiao" appeared on the Internet, all kinds of black people came here after hearing about it, but now it's different, because of Yu Yuanyuan, everyone has seen what Yu Jinxiao really is like—

He paid for the rest of the dilapidated orphanage, set aside a sum of money every month for turnover, and networked excellent teachers to provide education.

Before Yu Yuanyuan was adopted, it was true that Yu Jinxiao caught a human trafficker, and the police station had a record.

The subordinate's daughter was seriously ill, and in order to have money to treat her daughter, the subordinate betrayed the company, but Yu Jinxiao ignored the previous suspicions.

Things like this are dug up more and more by netizens.

Heizi, who originally wanted to dig up black material, was actually moved by the information he found after all this digging, and became Yu Jinxiao, the online leader, who charged forward and helped to speak.

It is no longer just a group of keyboard warriors who have hooked up with Yu Jinxiao on the Internet.

[Wait, so it's not the street sharks at Tianmu Square, but it was actually Yu Jinxiao who proposed that day? ? 】

[I thought it was really a street shark, I was so scared that I didn't dare to go there for a week! ! 】

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