The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1781 Feels Good

Shen Ji took off his suit jacket, threw it out of the reach of the waves, and arranged his soaked shoes and socks neatly.

It is obviously the same operation, but two completely different personalities can be seen.

Gu Beiyan——Do whatever you want, regardless of the details.

Shen Ji - Be orderly and strict.

Shen Ji seldom appeared in front of Yu Yuanyuan in such a disheveled manner, except when his hand was injured and he lived in Yu's house, he would occasionally meet Yuanyuan in pajamas.

But that was a long time ago.

Shen Ji was still not used to walking barefoot on the beach all of a sudden.

"Bei Yan, will your bare feet not be crispy?"

"No, this sand is very soft and very comfortable!"

"Yuanyuan has to step on it with bare feet~~"

As soon as the words were finished, Xiao Zai Zai kicked off his little leather shoes and socks in twos and threes, and happily stepped on the beach with a "la la la".

She hadn't seen the sea much in Jiangcheng before, and this was the first time Yu Yuanyuan stepped on the soft sand with bare feet.

The soft touch of fine sand continuously spread from the soles of her feet, as if soft feathers had wrapped her little feet.

Yu Yuanyuan has completely become a meow who is having fun, running back and forth with her claws raised, almost forgetting to find the shells.

But not long after she was happy, the little milk's voice changed from a happy tone to a scream of pain.

"Ah duck!" The little cub who lifted one foot froze.

"What's wrong, Yuanyuan?"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Something

Shen Ji moved away Yu Yuanyuan's little feet, and there was a small stone lying under her feet, with the sharp corner pointing upwards, reflecting an evil light in the sunlight.

The crying little cub supported Shen Ji's shoulders, and naturally handed his painful feet into Shen Ji's hands.

Cubs with small round hands also have small round feet.

It is soft when pinched, like a freshly baked round bread, and it feels good.

Shen Ji carefully inspected the soles of Yu Yuanyuan's feet, there were only two pink spots, and there was no bleeding.

He rubbed her gently, and comforted her: "It's okay, there is no bleeding, no injury, and the pain will be gone soon."


"Are you all right, Yuanyuan, your foot was pricked?" Gu Beiyan ran up to help take a look, but Shen Ji had already carried Yu Yuanyuan aside to put on his shoes.

It is very comfortable to walk on the beach, but sometimes you will be stabbed in the back by some sharp natural objects if you are not careful.

Yu Yuanyuan's little feet are tender, it's better to play in shoes.

Even though Gu Beiyan rushed fast, he didn't come in a hurry to take a look at what Yuanyuan's feet looked like.

He only knew that Yuanyuan's hand was very cute, like a cute little ball, and each finger was like a cute finger biscuit, chubby, making people want to take a bite just by looking at it.

Maybe round feet are cute too?
Is it meaty too?
It's a pity that Gu Beiyan missed the opportunity to explore the truth.

It doesn't matter, the future is long!

Gu Beiyan decided to continue looking for beautiful shells, preferably so beautiful that Yuanyuan would forget the one Shen Ji was looking for, and treat the shells he found as treasures.

"Yuanyuan, what are you playing?" The voices of the Mo family twins suddenly came out.

Gu Beiyan, who was looking for shells, moved his ears and looked up suspiciously.

What the hell!

How come there are two people who look exactly the same, is it because his eyes are blurred? ?
And these two people also know Yuanyuan!He doesn't even know who these two are! ! !
Instinctively, Gu Beiyan smelled a little danger.

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