The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1789 Is it really wrong?

The oncoming gaze was like an X-ray, illuminating this small body thoroughly.

Her mood and thoughts are exposed to the air without reservation and nowhere to escape.

Yu Jinxiao's aura was a bit serious and scary, Yu Yuanyuan didn't even dare to raise her head, she just stood there blankly like a curled up little snail, and even forgot to move.

"Yu Yuanyuan, I've already decided on Shen Ji's matter. It's for your own good." In order to make Xiao Zai Zai pay attention, Yu Jinxiao did not soften his tone at this time, "No matter what you do, Shen Ji and I will say Well, to get you to try and learn on your own, that won't change."

"Okay." Frustrated Zai Zai hummed to express his understanding.

Seeing that Baba didn't speak any more, Yu Yuanyuan walked out pitifully with her little head hanging down. That little figure seemed to be a small towel dragged on the ground, looking extremely pitiful.

Several times Yu Jinxiao wanted to stop her to comfort her, but to teach children, there should be softness and firmness.

If he loses his prestige, how can he deter her at critical moments in the future?
Yu Jinxiao was the one who took the lead, but because of this, he fell into a completely chaotic state of mind.

Obviously Yu Yuanyuan had already walked out, but the appearance of that little figure walking out kept appearing in his mind.

It seems to be a picture that never stops and is constantly slowed down, lingering in the memory.

Although this little glutinous rice ball is only three years old, she is easy to satisfy and is happy every day, like a little ball, always full of energy.

But when she walked out just now, it seemed as if she had been vented, dragging her body droopingly, as if she had lost all strength.

It looked like he had suffered a huge blow.

Yu Jinxiao has been paying attention to her movements in the study.

The footsteps in the corridor were not going back to the room, nor to the study room.

She seemed to be heading downstairs!
Are you going to run away from home again?
Yu Jinxiao got up from the chair abruptly, and was about to rush out in a hurry, but his footsteps suddenly stopped at the door of the room.

Yu Yuanyuan's snacks are all in the bedroom, she didn't go back to the bedroom to pack, maybe she... ran away from home?
At this moment, Dahua's meow came from outside the window.

After listening to it a lot, Yu Jinxiao can almost judge the reason for Dahua's cry.

Hungry, thirsty, angry, happy, acting like a baby...

At this time, Dahua's cry was more like greeting.

Could it be that the little glutinous rice balls went down?
Yu Jinxiao hurriedly shifted from the door to the French window on the second floor, and he saw that small body sitting at the door of the cat room.

Dahua, who was usually sleeping at this point, came out swinging, leaning against Yu Yuanyuan affectionately, putting her head on her lap, acting like a baby.

As if seeing through her bad mood, Dahua's meowing meowing sound was in stark contrast to its size, clearly trying to comfort Xiao Tangyuan.

Two small bodies of different sizes were sitting on the bench downstairs, cuddling each other, making Yu Yuanyuan look even more pitiful.

Looking at the small glutinous rice balls under the night, Yu Jinxiao couldn't help wondering, was his decision really wrong?

He just doesn't want Yu Yuanyuan to be too dependent, and to develop a good habit of self-study.

All these considerations are from her point of view...

Is it really wrong?
The little cub whimpered and chirped and seemed to be talking to Dahua, but the distance was too far, Yu Jinxiao couldn't hear clearly and was curious.

But fortunately, the little glutinous rice balls are facing away from this side, Yu Jinxiao quietly opened it, and turned his ears to the outside——

Still can't hear you!
Come closer!
"Dad! What are you doing! Dangerous!!"

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