The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1792 The Tricky Father-Daughter Conflict

A gentle voice and three short words came from the phone, which made Yu Jinxiao's mind restless all night.

Across the phone, he held the corner of his mouth lightly, and his tone of voice was unconsciously as soft as water: "Me too."

"If you encounter problems, remember to call me, don't always be bored by yourself," He Yitong's tone changed, becoming playful, "You are not a pressure cooker."

"I see, and you too, call me if you need anything."

"Got it! Stop talking, the director has called me several times, bye bye~"

This time, He Yitong didn't push him any further, and quickly hung up the phone.

At the end, Yu Jinxiao heard the director's helpless and humble urging from over there.

Probably because of talking on the phone with He Yitong and unraveling the knot in his heart, Yu Jinxiao slept well that night without insomnia.

Woke up early in the morning, thinking of the "task" of "coaxing" Xiao Tangyuan, he decided to wash her himself today.

At this time in the past, Yu Yuanyuan should still be asleep, but he opened the door and saw a small body sitting beside the bed.

That little arm is embracing her favorite lion cub doll, and she is staring at the wall in a daze.

The little eyes were confused and irrelevant, Yu Jinxiao wasn't sure for a while whether she was awake or not.

"Round round?"

Two seconds later, the little brain turned around mechanically: "Pu Ba..."

"Why are you sitting there in a daze?"

"Yuanyuan... ah... I don't remember." Yu Yuanyuan rubbed her eyes, then got off the bed in a daze, and walked towards the bathroom in her slippers.

What is... don't remember? ? ?
Is this excessive sadness, memory confusion? ?
At this time, a little boy who went to the bathroom to fetch water yawned big.

She just vaguely smelled the smell of food in a dream, her body acted before her brain, and the whole cub sat up from the bed, subconsciously wanting to get out of bed.

But when she got up and sat down beside the bed and was about to put on her shoes, a strong sense of sleepiness hit her, and Yu Yuanyuan sat on the side of the bed and fell asleep for another minute.

At this moment, Yu Jinxiao pushed the door open, just in time to wake up Xiao Tangyuan who was sitting and sleeping.

Xiao Zai Zai, who was switching quickly from dream to reality, couldn't remember what he was going to do just now.

After being woken up by Yu Jinxiao, she habitually walked towards the bathroom again.

After hearing Xiao Zai Zai's words, Yu Jinxiao, who didn't know the inside story, suddenly felt his hair stand on end.

Could it be that this incident hit Xiaotangyuan so hard?

There was a sudden chaos in his mind, it was the first time Yu Jinxiao had to deal with such a difficult father-daughter conflict.

But that little cub washed his face and brushed his teeth obediently, and even ran to take out his school uniform and change into it, but he was a little dazed the whole time, like a little potato who had lost his soul.

It wasn't until breakfast time that those eyes lit up a little.

Yu Jinxiao went downstairs and found that Yu Mingxi was also looking at him, the message in those eyes clearly made him calm and at ease.

Thinking of what Yu Mingxi said last night, Yu Jinxiao decided not to talk too much.

After sending the cub to the kindergarten, Yu Jinxiao asked Gao Zhou to order her favorite cake, and also prepared some pretty and delicious pastries.

Xiao Zai Zai, who had no idea what Ba Ba and his brother were planning, was dragged and questioned by Gu Beiyan as soon as he arrived at the kindergarten.

"How is it? Yuanyuan, did your plan succeed!"

Xiao Zai Zai shook his head in disappointment: "It's nothing."

Gu Beiyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, which relieved him.

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