The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1794 Surrounded by Children

Before Yu Jinxiao could figure it out, the car flew out with a "whoosh", and Yu Jinxiao who was sitting in the back row felt a strong push back.

Gao Zhou, who has always been known for his "stable" driving, why did he seem to suddenly go crazy today?
"Why are you driving so fast? Are you in a hurry?" Yu Jinxiao frowned, and looked at the rearview mirror, "If you have something to do, I can pick up Yuanyuan myself."

Gao Zhou glanced at the rearview mirror in a daze, and suddenly felt a chill running down his back: "I...I see that Miss Yuanyuan is leaving school soon, and I may need to hurry up to catch up."

"Just go at the usual speed," Yu Jinxiao let go of his frown, "There is still cake in the car, so pay attention to the speed."

"Oh, yes, yes, yes." Gao Zhou suddenly realized, and immediately reduced the speed of the car to normal.

"Open up a bit."

"Don't speed up."


On the way to the kindergarten, Yu Jinxiao reminded Gao Zhou in the back row the whole time.

Mr. Yu, who didn't speak much in the past, was reminded every now and then, which made Gao Zhou feel stressed. He was already sweating profusely when he parked the car at the kindergarten entrance.

Yu Jinxiao, who opened the door and got off the car, was about to go to the school gate, when suddenly he felt a churning in his heart, which made him stop.

Looking at Gao Zhou's cake on the passenger side, Yu Jinxiao hesitated for two seconds, stepped forward and knocked on the car window.

"Yu...Mr. Yu?" Gao Zhou thought he had done something wrong.

"Give me the cake."



Gao Zhou carefully lifted the cake and handed it out from the window.

Looking at the beautiful box in his hand, Yu Jinxiao raised his eyebrows in satisfaction, turned around and walked towards the kindergarten gate.

As soon as Yu Jinxiao arrived at the entrance of the kindergarten, he attracted the curious eyes of a group of children.

The faint cake scent pervades the air, as long as you take a little sniff, you can smell the smell coming from that big box.

The cake shop deliberately uses a part of transparent packaging, so you can see the appearance of the cake.

A sharp-eyed little friend discovered the cake in the box, and was quietly saying "wow" to the little friend beside him.

The current Xiaotangyuan is in the middle class, which is a little behind.

Yu Jinxiao's figure was already outstanding, and coupled with his unassuming appearance, he stood at the entrance of the kindergarten with such a delicious and beautiful cake, which immediately attracted the attention of most of the children.

The children in the small class were picked up one by one by their parents, but when a few children passed by, they stopped to watch the cake in his hand.

"Uncle, is this a cake?" Several curious little faces surrounded it.


"It's so cute, is this cake delicious?"

"I don't know." Isn't he still mentioning it?Haven't eaten yet, who knows if it's good or not.

In the past, I bought a ball for Yu Yuanyuan to eat. Yu Jinxiao doesn't like sweets very much, and has almost never touched it. He doesn't remember the taste for a long time.

The child tilted his head, and suddenly grabbed his parent's clothes: "Mom, I want to eat it too. This cake is so beautiful."

"What? There is a beautiful cake? Where is it! I want to see it too!"

When the other children passing by heard it, they gathered around one by one.

Not long after, Yu Jinxiao was surrounded by more than a dozen young friends from the small class.

No wonder the children are curious.

The shape of the cake is a cat's head, which is very cute, especially the fragrance from inside, which makes people want to drool when they sniff it.

Yu Jinxiao felt his scalp tense, he had never been surrounded by children like this before, and he felt uncomfortable.

"Baba..." A familiar and shocked voice came from behind the crowd.

Looking around, Yu Jinxiao met Shang Yu Yuanyuan's surprised and confused eyes, and didn't understand what he had done to be surrounded by children.

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