The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 18 Play Sneak Attack

Chapter 18 Play Sneak Attack

Yu Mingxi's eyes gradually turned red, and his palms trembled.

After staring blankly at the photo for a long time, he closed his eyes to adjust his emotions, and quickly put the photo back into the box, as if sorting out the painful memory.

In the bedroom at the other end, Yu Yuanyuan lay on the bed and did not fall asleep.

The room was so quiet, it was different from the usual sleeping environment, she always felt something was ringing in the window, and the darkness in the corner seemed scary.

I closed my eyes and brewed for a long time, but I still didn't feel sleepy at all.

The little milk bag sighed and sat up, threw off the quilt on her body and jumped out of bed.

The chubby little feet stepped on the ground, spread out into a bread-like roundness, and walked towards the door of the room.

It was very quiet outside, everyone seemed to be asleep, and the corridor was also dark...

No, there is another place where there is light!
The door was opened silently, and the round head popped out

Yu Yuanyuan quietly lay by the door and looked at it for a while, and after confirming the direction of the light, she walked towards the room with light on her bare feet.

I can't sleep, I want to find someone to give me pills!
The little feet pattered on the floor and walked all the way, as if playing hide and seek with the light. She hid herself in the dark, swiped out, and swiped back to her body, thinking she was super agile.

It turns out that this is where Baba works!

The study room was brightly lit, and Yu Jinxiao's back was straight. Even in the dead of night, he still had the elegance accumulated over the years, and he maintained an excellent state all the time.

Recently, a very large amount of business has just been completed, and Yu Jinxiao intends to check the key points again.

Originally, money didn't mean much to him anymore, it was just... success at work, like an effective placebo, could always fill the blank part of his life.

Working until midnight, or even in the morning, was more normal for him than eating.

Yu Jinxiao rubbed his brows, he seemed to catch something moving at the door out of the corner of his gaze.

Obviously all the servants have been told to rest, could it be that Yu Mingxi was not asleep?

No, these two sons usually show up directly, one will politely knock on the study door first, and the other will directly rush into the study to talk.

But the black shadow just now seemed to be sneaky, deliberately not wanting him to find out.

Yu Jinxiao pretended not to see anything, put his palms on his temples, deliberately lowered his head to look at the documents, but his eyes quietly paid attention to the movement by the door.

Yu Yuanyuan's cat hands and feet hiding in the darkness appeared.

Oh, how could he forget about this little devil.

The group of small figures were still moving quietly, completely unaware that they had been discovered, as if they wanted to play a sneak attack.

Yu Jinxiao really wanted to laugh.

Such a big white dumpling, how blind are the people who can't see it?

Only a little idiot like Yu Yuanyuan would think that her actions were super successful!

But let's say this little milk bag is stupid, she still knows how to observe, as long as Yu Jinxiao moves a little, she will stop immediately, try to shrink into a small ball, and desperately reduce her sense of existence.

Until it is confirmed that he is not responding, he will continue to squirm forward.

The white round shadow in the corner of the eye is getting closer and closer, and it has reached the desk, like a small sliding steamed bun, moving round and round.

Yu Jinxiao probably guessed what she was going to do, and there was an almost invisible smile on the corner of his mouth.

The little milk pack has successfully arrived at the desk!
Yuanyuan rubbed her hands to celebrate secretly, looked at Yu Jinxiao's newly changed trouser legs, and stretched out her claws——

"Baba! I've got you!"

(End of this chapter)

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