The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1800 Yuanyuan, low-key

"Ah, it's Yuanyuan! It's Brother Tasty!" Xiao Zaizai excitedly raised Yuan Claw, and the next second, Yu Jinxiao hugged him with a wide palm and snatched him back.

Originally, he planned to book a show.

But the last time I took Yu Yuanyuan to watch a released cartoon, he and Xiao Tangyuan were sitting in the huge venue.

Halfway through, the little glutinous rice balls were too frightened by the dark environment and dead silence to look any further.

Later, Yu Jinxiao took her to the cinema to watch movies a few times, as long as there were many people around, laughter came from time to time, and there was a breath of living people around, Yu Yuanyuan would not be so afraid, and could obediently concentrate on watching cartoons.

In this way, Yu Jinxiao no longer just book the venue casually, fearing that the little glutinous rice balls will scare him, and he will not be able to finish watching a complete movie.

What's more, this time he came to support He Yitong's new movie, no matter what, he hoped to watch the whole movie in its entirety.

Yu Yuanyuan is now a small star, and she is easy to be spotted when she walks outside.

Yu Jinxiao deliberately chose a remote movie theater, and asked Aunt Chen to wear a low-key skirt for her, so as to reduce the family's presence as much as possible.


It's probably rare for the whole family to be so good-looking. As soon as Yu Jinxiao took his seat holding the Coke popcorn, he felt that people around him kept looking at him.

Someone even whispered directly behind them.

"Oh, it's dad who took the kids to the movies, right? The whole family looks good!"

"Dad's legs are so long, I don't know what his face looks like, I didn't see it just now!!"

"I'm going to take a closer look when the show is over."

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

So now he is like a paper tiger, without even deterrence, he can discuss loudly at such a close distance?
Just when Yu Jinxiao sighed secretly, the little boy next to him saw the trailer played before the movie started, and raised his round paw and shouted excitedly.

Now Yu Yuanyuan's fans are like sesame seeds all over the place, it's hard for him to get a quiet opportunity to watch a movie carefully.

It's too easy to be discovered by Yu Yuanyuan's shout!
"Hush—" Yu Jinxiao covered Xiao Zai Zai's mouth.

Yu Mingxi immediately raised his finger to his mouth.

He was also chased all the way by Yuyuan, and Aiwu and Wu hoped to take pictures with him.

But Yu Mingxi is not a person who likes to be paid attention to, this overly direct request has brought him a lot of trouble.

Everyone dressed very low-key today, of course Yu Mingxi understood his father's intentions.

"What's swollen?" Xiao Zai Zai blinked his eyes, and was so frightened that he turned to speak in a breathy voice.

"Yuanyuan, if you are so loud, fans will ask you to take pictures and sign autographs, and you won't be able to watch mom's movies properly." Even Yu Yingze, who is usually informal, knows why he should be low-key and low-key today.

"Oh~~~~" Xiao Zai Zai nodded, retracted his round claws, and continued to watch the trailer on the screen.

It has been a while since the filming was finished, but the post-production is fast and the release speed is also very fast.

"Ah! It's Yuanyuan!!" Sure enough, someone in the back row exclaimed in a low voice.

"I must come to support Yuanyuan's play!"

"He Chen is also worthy of support!"

"That's right, that's right, support He Chen and Yuanyuan!" There were constant discussions in low voices from behind, "I heard that this is He Chen's transformational work, and those few scenes just now seem to be well acted."

"That's hard to say. Everyone has seen how bad his acting skills were before."

As soon as someone said that Brother Tasty's acting skills were poor, Yu Zaizai pursed his lips, his eyes widened and he wanted to reason.

The round claw that was just raised was pinched by Yu Jinxiao again, and Yu Mingxi hugged Yu Yuanyuan's back from behind, and immediately pushed his little head back to its original position.

"Yuanyuan, low-key."

Chapter 8 has been updated today~ It is now entering the final stage, no updates will be added at the end of the month, and we will occasionally add updates according to the editorial schedule, and focus on the smooth completion~

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