The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1808 Walking the Red Carpet Alone

"Miss Yuanyuan must be the cutest and most beautiful girl in the world today!!"

Looking at Sister Bei, who was dressed by herself, she held her palms together, her eyes almost popping out of her heart.

Receiving unanimous praise from everyone, Xiao Zai Zai stared at his toes in embarrassment and giggled "hehehe".

"Okay, it's time to go."

Yu Jinxiao stretched out his palm, as if he was a knight welcoming the princess.


Yu Jinxiao hugged Xiaoqiuqiu, the father and daughter with completely opposite styles couldn't help but make people's eyes shine.

In order to match Yu Yuanyuan's dress, the whole family chose light-colored suits today.

Yu Jinxiao was dressed in a clean white suit, and his figure was straight and slim, which portrayed his figure as tall and slender.

And Yu Yingze chose a light gray suit, and Yu Mingxi chose a light khaki suit.

The color of each person seems to represent his own personality.

After getting in the car, Yu Yuanyuan found that even Gao Zhou was wearing a different suit than usual, and his hair was combed specially, looking a little more handsome than usual.

"Gao Susu is so handsome today!" As soon as Xiao Zai Zai got into the car, he looked at the rearview mirror and waved his claws.

"Hey, thank you, Miss Yuanyuan~" Gao Zhou flicked his bow tie, "I might be photographed by reporters later, I can't disgrace Miss Yuanyuan and Mr. Yu."

Before now, Gao Zhou imagined that scene, which was probably even more lively than the premiere of Madam's movie before.

After all, the "taro balls" he met on the Internet were all "crazy", and it was not impossible to crowd into a sea of ​​people just to watch Yu Yuanyuan for a few minutes.

But when he got to the scene, Gao Zhou realized that he was conservative.

It is not only a sea of ​​people, but the mountain is like Mount Everest, and the sea is like the Pacific Ocean...

It was so far away that the red carpet could hardly be seen, and there were dense crowds of people trying to hold up the light sign with Yu Yuanyuan's name written on it.

When Gao Zhou saw this appearance, he couldn't help shaking his head.

Ms. Yuanyuan can't read characters. When making a light sign, it should be made into a pattern, so that the two parties can link.

"Baba, when is Mama coming?" Yu Zaizai lay on the car window, looking helplessly at the people outside who were shouting for her.

She hasn't realized that these people are here for her.

"Mom will walk the red carpet alone in the official invitation banquet."

If Yu Yuanyuan wasn't too young, according to her status in the movie, she should have walked the red carpet alone.

Unfortunately, Yu Cangnan was worried that if she walked the red carpet alone, she might get lost or not.

The red carpet is very long. Although there is a red guide, there are many people on the scene. Yu Yuanyuan is too young, and her little brain may not be able to think with the thinking of an adult.

"Jiangzi~" Xiao Zai Zai babbled, looking a little bit disappointed.

He Yitong was on the set recently, and Yu Jinxiao could only meet with her via video link. Today, He Yitong also rushed back from the set on purpose. Once the premiere is over, he will rush back to the set to continue filming.

Previously, the filming schedule was affected due to the temporary replacement of the male lead. He Yitong also rushed to shoot day and night in order to gain some time.

Gao Zhou slowly parked the car in front of the red carpet.

There were screams and shouts all around outside the car, and he could barely hear the conversation between Yu Jinxiao and Yu Yuanyuan.

The moment the car door opened——

The sound wave seems to be able to overturn the car body!

"Ah—it's Yuanyuan! Yuanyuan is here!"

"so cute!!!"

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