The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1817 is now a person on board

The little cub who just arrived was ignorant, and the next plate that Yin Hui handed over was just to say thank you.

Spent the rest of the time trying to sizzle.

The expressionless Zhan Ming sneaked up after Yin Hui left, and stuffed a bottle of drink into her arm: "Hold it, your favorite strawberry juice."

"Ah, thank you Zhansusu~"

As soon as the talent arrived, Yu Yuanyuan was forced to receive two offers of kindness.

"Yuanyuan, your favorite big meat bun~"

"Yuanyuan, your favorite snack."

"Yuanyuan, why do you eat so much, do you want some water?"

Everyone in the crew seemed to know this little Douding, and no matter who passed by, they wanted to show her a little kindness.

Yu Jinxiao and the others seemed to be completely ignored, and stood there blankly watching for several minutes.

Watching Yu Yuanyuan pushing the plate like a hill, He Chen regretted secretly, why didn't he think of coming earlier so that he could get more delicious food for Yuanyuan!

In his mind, he automatically blocked the possibility that Yu Yuanyuan couldn't finish eating at all, and chose to care about the possibility that she "didn't have enough to eat".

"Wow, it's so lively here, it looks like fun!" She Niu Gu Beiyan said that although he didn't know most of the people here, he still liked the harmonious and harmonious atmosphere here.

"Huh? Are you Yuanyuan's good friends?" A staff member came up to greet the children.

"Yes! We are Yu Yuanyuan's best friends!" Upon hearing this, Gu Beiyan grabbed Wen Zifei and Chu Qi with his left and right hands, and shouted loudly.

"You guys are welcome, there is a lot of food and drink here, if you have anything else you want to eat, you can find us!"

When the staff saw that the children were standing with Yu Yuanyuan, they loved Wu and Wu, and they were equally enthusiastic towards them.

Yuanyuan's good friend must be as cute as Yuanyuan!

Useless doubts!
When the staff left, Mo Yunqing stood behind Gu Beiyan and sneered: "Yuanyuan's best friend? Heh, have you ever asked Yuanyuan what she thinks!"

"You..." Gu Beiyan heard the yin and yang, and turned his head in shock, "Who are you!"

"Oh, we are Yuanyuan's best friends," Mo Yunqing patted Mo Yunlan's shoulder, "And I am the one who has a better relationship with Yuanyuan!"

"What, why do you say that!"

"That's right, why do you say that!" Mo Yunlan thought that she and Mo Yunqing were allies, but she didn't expect him to add that sentence at the end, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"This is the truth, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not."

"'re a liar!" Gu Beiyan, a kindergarten kid, felt powerless after the fight.

"Can it come true just by talking about it?" Wen Zifei, who seldom talks tonight, sneered, "If you say what you say, it will be what you say, then I also said that I can fly beyond the universe."

Damn, it's a formidable enemy!
Seeing that the other party was a child, Mo Yunqing deliberately choked him up, trying to make Gu Beiyan recognize his "identity".

I didn't expect that there were some people who were not easy to mess with among the children.

"Maybe some people think that they are Jinkou, and they can say what they say," Chu Qi also sneered and pulled the corners of her lips. "Some people want to emphasize more the more they have nothing."

Depend on!
A little cold sweat oozes from Mo Yunqing's forehead.

Are these two really kindergarten kids? ? ?

It's not like the same kind of person as that guy who cares about anything! !
"Wow, Chu Qi, Zifei, you're so amazing!!" Gu Beiyan and the others belonged to the kindergarten party, and they were now on the same boat.

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