The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1829 I don't remember offending him

This is a big event, incredible! !

Gao Zhou slammed the door open, and stared into the room with his wide eyes——

Zhan Ming and Yu Yuanyuan were sitting face to face, it should be what they were really talking about, not his hallucinations!

"Yuanyuan, Zhan Ming, ready to go out."

"Well, come right away."


Before Gao Zhou came and hurriedly asked what was going on, Xiao Zai Zai walked out in big strides, still chanting words in his small mouth.

Gao Zhou, who couldn't wait for a moment, immediately sent a message to Yu Jinxiao.

"Mr. Yu, I just heard Zhan Ming asking Miss Yuanyuan to call him daddy in the lounge!!!!"

The message was followed by four exclamation points and a shocked emoji.

The moment Yu Jinxiao received the message, he glanced at the name of the message, and immediately opened it.

Isn't Gao Zhou accompanying Yu Yuanyuan to attend the promotional event?

After reading the message word by word, Yu Jinxiao frowned.

Zhan Ming, he has met him before, this person doesn't look like someone who would do such a thing.

They acted like father and daughter in the movie, are they discussing lines?
Yu Jinxiao is now used to letting himself not make a fuss, some things need to be dealt with with a steady mind.

But after reading this message, he took the car keys and got up silently, and went straight out.

"Mr. Yu, do you want to go out? There will be a meeting later..."

"put off."


The secretary didn't dare to ask why, Mr. Yu's face looked so scary, only a fool dared to hit the muzzle of the gun.

The campaign went well and was the last stop.

There were especially many people who came today. After the event, many people wanted to take pictures and videos with Yu Yuanyuan.

Only Zhan Ming and Yu Yuanyuan came to the last promotion, and both of them became the biggest targets.

Xiao Zai Zai often encounters such scenes now, but there are too many people and too close together, she still feels uncomfortable.

Gao Zhou exists to protect Yuanyuan!
"Please don't crowd, everyone, Miss Yuanyuan will feel uncomfortable." Gao Zhou stretched out his long arm to block it, fans and staff obediently, no one dared to provoke him, a "bodyguard" of his height and figure.

Most of them backed away, but one arm still dared to reach over, as if it didn't know how to die.

Gao Zhou frowned, and his tone became a bit colder, trying to suppress the opponent in terms of momentum: "Please don't squeeze, please line up."

"I want to queue too?"

"Of course you... Yu... Mr. Yu!"

The scene was suddenly silent, and the people who had already lined up all turned their nervous little eyes to look around.

Zhan Ming, who was signing autographs for fans, was also affected by a sudden intrusion of the aura, and his back felt cool, as if countless ice picks were attached to his back through his clothes.

"Baba—" Yu Zaizai rushed over in surprise, and hung on Yu Jinxiao's lap, "Why are you swollen!"

Yu Jinxiao didn't speak, and glanced in Zhan Ming's direction from the corner of his eye.

His eyes seemed to be invisible cold arrows, which made Zhan Ming keenly aware of the discomfort.

Strange...why keep staring!
Zhan Ming doesn't remember that he offended him? ?
"Baba, why are you swollen and ignore Yuanyuan?" After waiting for two seconds, before Yu Jinxiao could answer, Xiao Zai Zai lost his balance.


"Yuanyuan is in Jieli~Baba~~"

"Babababa, what are you doing~~"

There was an endless stream of "baba" echoing throughout the scene, and Yu Yuanyuan managed to create excitement with just one cub.

As if he finally felt comfortable listening to these two words, Yu Jinxiao hugged Yu Yuanyuan up: "Going away?"

"Yuanyuan hasn't finished taking photos yet~~" Xiao Zaizai looked at the group of people behind who rolled their eyes like quails.

"Then take a group photo." After saying that, Yu Jinxiao cast his gaze over there, and everyone immediately nodded obediently.

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