The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1839 Not so stingy

Chapter 1839 Not so stingy

Ruan Xiaosi was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that she had been put together!
These are Yu Yuanyuan's own notes!
Said it was Feng Xiao's notes, it was to scare her on purpose!

Before she could refute urgently, Yu Yuanyuan took the notebook back and put it under her desk.

How could Ruan Xiaosi be reconciled to being tricked like this, and picked up a notebook from the table, and opened the middle page directly.

"Oh, Yuanyuan, look at your notes, you have made a lot of mistakes!" Ruan Xiaosi looked carefully, as if picking a bone in an egg, insisting on finding some mistakes, "The words are really ugly, like ghostly drawn symbols. , practice well."

"You——say—what—what!" Feng Xiao's questioning that was about to explode came from behind.

She pulled the notebook out of Ruan Xiaosi's hand abruptly, her eyes seemed to breathe fire.

Ruan Xiaosi licked her lips in embarrassment and explained: "I'm talking about Yu Yuanyuan. The handwriting is ugly, and there are many typos in the notes. It can't go on like this. I'm doing it for her own good."

"You just took my notebook!" Feng Xiao shook the notebook in his hand, "Whether my handwriting is ugly or not is none of your business! I won't engrave an epitaph for you! Mind your own business!"

Ruan Xiaosi, who wanted to be picky, was so scolded that she didn't dare to answer back, and shrank aside like a quail.

Fortunately, the bell rang for class, and she was not chased and beaten by Feng Xiao, and she managed to escape.

Feng Xiao usually reports revenge on the spot, and she won't remember it until the next class.

But when she returned to her seat and sat down, Ruan Xiaosi became more and more annoyed as she thought about it. She always felt that Yu Yuanyuan was plotting against her!

Almost provoked Feng Xiao for no reason, her fighting was the scariest, even the boys in the class dared not provoke her.

If it hadn't happened to be in class just now, maybe he would be beaten too.

Thinking of this, Ruan Xiaosi resentfully turned her head and glanced in Yu Yuanyuan's direction.

Even though the seats were not adjacent, she still found that outstanding figure at a glance.

Everyone was wearing the same school uniform, and their hair was simply tied into a ponytail, but Yu Yuanyuan's appearance was several classes higher than hers.

No matter where she goes, she will be followed, even the boys she likes love to talk to Yu Yuanyuan.

Thinking of this, Ruan Xiaosi became more and more unwilling.

We are all human, why is there such a difference?She is not bad either!
In Ruan Xiaosi's chaotic thoughts, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, but she didn't even hear what the teacher said.

All attention is on Yu Yuanyuan.

During the lunch break, the students eat in the school, and there is a double lounge for lunch break.

But what Yu Yuanyuan is most interested in is lunch!

Back then, one of the conditions for Yu Jinxiao to choose a school - was the food!
He even asked Gao Zhou to find the school's past menus and pictures, and let Yu Yuanyuan choose the school he wanted to go to.

With similar qualifications of teachers, Yu Yuanyuan of course chose the school with the best food!

After class, Yu Yuanyuan packs her schoolbag super fast, and immediately puts the textbooks into the schoolbag, and is already fully prepared to go to the cafeteria.

She and her little friends in twos and threes walked towards the cafeteria, and Ruan Xiaosi appeared out of nowhere again.

Ruan Xiaosi saw something glowing on Yu Yuanyuan's head at a glance, the light made Yu Yuanyuan look like a little fairy, and the jealousy in her heart burned even more intensely.

"Yu Yuanyuan, your hair clip is so pretty."

"Oh~thank you~"

Ruan Xiaosi pursed her lips, and suddenly stretched out her hand: "Can you give it to me? I like it very much."

"I only have this hairpin, I can't give it to you."

"It's just a small hairpin, isn't it so stingy!"

(End of this chapter)

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