Chapter 184

"Ah, why are you here again?" Yu Yuanyuan put away the bowl, stretched out her arms and nervously blocked the second brother, " can't bully the second brother!"

"We didn't!!!" Slit Eye emphasized loudly, "We...we are find your brother to play with!"

Yu Yingze: "?" Why was he suddenly erected?

"That's it," Xiao Zaizai nodded, and handed the bowl forward carelessly, "Eat death beef?"

Since I came here to play with my brother, we are friends!

Yu Yingze watched helplessly as the three little boys each took a small piece and stuffed it into their mouths in order to please the cubs. The next second, their faces flushed red, their foreheads were sweating, and they opened their mouths and gasped like puppies. Looked like he was about to die.

He likes spicy food and thinks that the spicy beef tastes just right, but these three children seem to be people who never eat spicy food, and the level of spicy food is probably similar to that of Xiao Zaizai.

"Wow, brother with small eyes, you are so amazing, you can actually eat death beef!" Yu Yuanyuan admired and praised, which made Yu Yingze puzzled.

Don't you see those three guys look like they're dying?
Slit Eyes maintained a smirk almost instinctively, his face was as red as a shrimp taken out of a pot, he kept sticking out his tongue and wheezing, as if he was about to be out of breath.

"Go and get three boxes of drinks, don't you see that they are going to die?" Yu Yingze took the beef, stuffed two mouthfuls himself, and calmly pushed the little boy to be a tool boy.

As soon as he heard that "it's too late", Xiao Zai Zai's face changed with fright, he stumbled and rushed back, scooped up a plate of strawberry milk and came to help him.

"Come on, hurry up, hurry up!" Xiao Zaizai tore open the package and handed drinks to each of them, even Yu Yingze was no exception.

The sweet taste softened the spicy taste in their mouths, and the three little boys squatted on the ground and squinted their eyes, looking at the little cute little angel in front of them with satisfaction and joy.

Wow, it was the angel Yuanyuan who saved their lives!
"Dad seems to have said that this plate is your strawberry milk supply for this month, and you'll have to wait until next month if you drink it all up." Yu Yingze sucked on her strawberry milk, not forgetting to make up for the poor and happy little cub. Knife.

Yu Yuanyuan suddenly reacted with a thunderbolt above his head, petrified on the spot, carefully retracted the remaining strawberry milk, and hugged it nervously in his arms.

"Ah... I'm sorry!" Looking at the poor little eyes with narrow eyes, he apologized without hesitation.

Woohoo, he actually made Yuanyuan feel sad, he is a sinner! !
Yu Yuanyuan felt really sad for a few seconds, and said aggrievedly: "It's okay, Yuanyuan saved someone with strawberry milk, drink's okay."

After all, she looked at the strawberry milk cartons that had been squished and flattened, silently mourning their "death" in her heart.

The three little boys covered their hearts together, feeling as if a deer was hitting their hearts——

Sure enough, the kind Yuanyuan likes to do good things, so she will only be friends with good people!

They also need to be good people and become good friends of Yuanyuan!

"I don't have time to make trouble with you guys, I'm going to play football." After saying that, Yu Yingze went back to the tent to take out his ball, and juggled it on the grass by himself.

"Wow, the second brother is so tired!!" The cheering little boy took the strawberry milk back and hid it, and he didn't forget to run over and clap his hands to make up for the rainbow fart.

Slit eyes looked at Yu Yingze's operation in surprise, and sighed falteringly: "Do you like playing football too? I like it too!"

"Huh?" Yu Yingze, who disdained to talk to them, stopped the ball and looked over in surprise, "Really? Let's play together?"

"Okay, okay." The three little boys quickly rolled up their pants and got ready.

Cub, who was left out in the cold, raised his paw: "Yuanyuan wants to play together too."

"Do you know what this is? You want to play together? I won't be responsible if I kick you." Looking at her not-so-intelligent Yazi, Yu Yingze really didn't want to play football with a cub who didn't know anything. It will be troublesome if Dad scolds.

"No, Yuanyuan is very good at playing ball." Xiao Zai Zai blinked his big eyes and said nonsense.

Yu Yingze finally found a playmate who can play football, and really didn't want to be disappointed by Xiao Zai Zai: "Then vote, if..."

After saying that, Yu Yuanyuan raised her hand to vote for herself, and the three little boys opposite her also raised their hands spinelessly standing behind her.

Well, he lost 1:4.

(End of this chapter)

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