The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1841 Of course not! !

Yu Yuanyuan's hairpin was placed on the head of the bed.

Ruan Xiaosi stepped forward with a smirk, grabbed the hairpin quickly, and left the room backwards.

after an hour.

After waking up, Yu Yuanyuan searched the table and the floor, but still couldn't see the hairpin she took off before going to bed.

"What's the matter, Yuanyuan? What are you looking for?" Feng Xiao had already washed her face, and when she came back, she saw Yu Yuanyuan lying on the ground like a tortoise, crawling back and forth from various angles.

"My hairpin is missing!"

"Didn't you put it on the table before going to bed?"

"Before I go to bed... I put it on the table." While answering Feng Xiao's question, Yu Yuanyuan sniffed and smelled a familiar smell.

This smell is very familiar...but it's not the original smell in their dormitory.

"Let's go to class first."

Yu Yuanyuan yawned, took out a bag of snacks from her schoolbag, and handed half of it to Feng Xiao.

The two walked to the classroom laughing and laughing, looking like they were all right.

Ruan Xiaosi, who hid her hairpin, has been watching Yu Yuanyuan since she walked in, as if she wanted to appreciate some lost and sad expression.

But Yu Yuanyuan didn't seem to notice that the hairpin was missing at all, she was still chatting and laughing with Feng Xiao, and after sitting down, she was still eating snacks.

Ruan Xiaosi, who had been sitting for almost 10 minutes, couldn't bear it anymore. She deliberately got up and sat down, pretending to be friendly and asking, "Yuanyuan, where did that beautiful hairpin of yours go?"

"It's gone!"

"Hey, why did it disappear?"

"It disappeared after taking a nap." Yu Yuanyuan replied while eating snacks.

"But your roommate is Feng Xiao, shouldn't it be..."

"Should it be?"

"She took it quietly!"

According to ordinary people's logic, Feng Xiao did have the biggest suspicion.

But Yu Yuanyuan was sure that there was more smell in the bedroom than before the nap, maybe someone else came in.

She didn't answer, she sniffed suddenly, her face was still calm and innocent.

"What? You lost Yuanyuan's hairpin?" Bai Ningqiu, who was passing by, heard it, and approached him to comfort Jiajia, "Do you need my help looking for it?"

"Lost it in the lunch break."

"Then... let me give Yuanyuan a new one!"

When Ruan Xiaosi heard this, she almost gritted her teeth in anger.

She had other plans for taking the hairpin away, how could she have thought that Bai Ningqiu would propose to give Yu Yuanyuan a new one!
Of course not! !
"That...then..." Ruan Xiaosi made a tone anxiously, but she didn't know how to stop it.

She can't say that the hairpin is on her body, and she hasn't lost it at all, so there's no need to send a new one!

After much deliberation, Ruan Xiaosi swallowed her words, her plan was not as simple as taking away the hairpin!
Every day after school, Yu Yuanyuan would stay in the classroom for half an hour before leaving.

I heard that she has an older brother who finished school half an hour later than her, and the driver would pick them up together, and in the half hour between them, Yu Yuanyuan would write notes and homework in the classroom.

Finally made it to school.

Ruan Xiaosi couldn't wait to implement his plan.

As soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, everyone quickly packed their schoolbags. In less than 10 minutes, Yu Yuanyuan was the only one left in the huge classroom.

Ruan Xiaosi saw the opportunity and leaned forward: "Yuanyuan, I found your hairpin!"

The hand that was writing stopped, and Yuanyuan's eyes slowly raised up: "Well, I know you took it."

"Ah?!" Ruan Xiaosi, who was acting, froze on the spot.

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