"Brother Yunlan and I grew up together, and our relationship is very good!" Yu Yuanyuan hadn't heard the meaning of Wang Xiaobao's gossip yet.

She glanced at the time, 15 minutes left!It should come in a hurry!
The mobile phone interface quickly switched, and they went to another competition venue.

The cheers on the scene were like thunder, and several players took their positions at the starting point. The live broadcast interface showed the men's short track speed skating final.

Among a group of competition clothes, Wang Xiaobao raised his finger to one of them: "This one seems to be similar to that person's clothes just now!"

"That's right! This is brother Yunqing's game!"

Game start!
Mo Yunqing was the first to set off at high speed, like an arrow leaving the string.

The competition process was exciting and thrilling. Someone fell down and the ice skate almost cut Mo Yunqing's face.

Wang Xiaobao covered his face in fright.

Although her face is not beautiful, at least it is not ugly. If her face is disfigured... that would be terrible!She couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat for Mo Yunqing in the competition.

No matter how rough the process was, Mo Yunqing was always calm, as if a big boss who had already reached his full level just came to downgrade the abuser, relaxed and at ease.

The moment he crossed the finish line, he didn't show the same excitement as Mo Yunlan, but just raised his hand and waved calmly.

No wonder, this is already the number of gold medals that Mo Yunqing has won.

There are many gifts for Yu Yuanyuan alone, and she puts them all in the most conspicuous places in the house with pure gold ornaments.

Friends in the circle would misunderstand each time they came to play at home, thinking that those gold medals belonged to her.

When it was time for the interview, as soon as Mo Yunqing showed his face, Wang Xiaobao pointed at the screen in surprise: "Why... just now that person came to compete again?? He knows everything?"

"Haha, they are actually twins. The one just now was brother Yunlan, and this one is brother Yunqing."

Upon closer inspection, they seemed to be a little different, with subtle differences in their eyes and brows.

"Yuanyuan!" Mo Yunqing didn't even have the courtesy to deal with the media, "This time the medal is more beautiful, I will give it to you when I come back~"

Wang Xiaobao swallowed his saliva, his eyes continued to gossip: "Yuanyuan, this person will also give you the gold medal..."

"Brother Yunqing and Yunlan and I grew up together, and our relationship is very, very good!"


Wang Xiaobao curled his lips, grabbed the milk tea and inhaled it.

"The filming is about to start!" The director clapped his hands, raised the loudspeaker and began to shout.

Yu Yuanyuan's role this time is a breakthrough.

She plays a boxer, and there are a lot of fighting scenes. Wang Xiaobao is not only her stand-in, but also her martial arts instructor.

"Wow, Yuanyuan's fighting scene is not perfunctory at all, she is so handsome~~" the logistics team discussed in a low voice behind.

This was heard by Wang Xiaobao, as if he was praising her: "Of course! Yuanyuan has a friend who is a professional boxer, and she has learned from her for a long time! She even participated in several professional competitions!"


After the tense and exciting high-intensity shooting, the sky has turned dark and it is time for dinner.

"Yuanyuan, do you want to have dinner together?" Wang Xiaobao leaned over and asked.

"No need, Miao Miao said that she made delicious food and will send it over later."

"Okay then, I'll go eat first, bye."


Everyone else went to eat, and Yu Yuanyuan was still sitting on the crew's rest chair poking her phone.

Suddenly, a scent wafted over, causing her to sniff involuntarily.

"Yuanyuan~~Dinner is here~" Ding Miaomiao ran towards her bouncingly, holding up a large bag of food in her hand.

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