When it comes to "eating", Yu Yuanyuan has always taken a serious attitude.

It was too difficult for her to choose a "favorite" among the dishes she liked very much.

The embarrassment was not pretended, but from the heart, even the chef couldn't bear to force her to make a choice.

Probably he is used to seeing many people chasing after people with a hypocritical tone, but Yu Yuanyuan's sincerity, which naturally reveals emotions, makes him feel truly appreciated.

"It's so delicious ~" Although the chef has withdrawn from the box, Yu Yuanyuan still praises, "Woohoo, thank you for your brother ~"

If it weren't for Shen Ji, they wouldn't have enjoyed these five dishes at the same time.

"I didn't say that, it's really delicious." Gu Beiyan also ate and completely lost his image, "I've never eaten something so delicious!"

"Yeah, yeah~" As if meeting a bosom friend, Yu Yuanyuan also echoed.

Besides the five original dishes, Shen Ji also ordered other dishes.

This big table has a unique style of food with expensive ingredients, and it will cost a lot of money at first glance.

But to Shen Ji, the money is just a leaf in the forest, not enough to keep in his heart.

Compared to Gu Beiyan's gobbling, Shen Ji and Wen Zifei's movements are much more graceful.

It seems that it is not difficult to judge that he is a child from a wealthy family with strict family education.

But Gu Beiyan...

"It's over, my hands are so dirty." Gu Beiyan wanted to get a tissue, but his fingers were covered with oil from his steak. "Qiqi, can you get me a tissue!"

Chu Qi curled her lips in disgust, but naturally took out a tissue for him.

"Ah, no, it's stuck, it's stuck!" Gu Beiyan yelled in a panic, and then begged with pitiful eyes, "Qiqi..."

"Tsk." Chu Qi rolled her eyes, took another wet tissue, and slapped it on Gu Beiyan's mouth.

The action seemed rough, but it was wiped clean carefully.

When the wet wipe was lifted, Gu Beiyan's eyes were a little surprised.

He actually wanted Chu Qi to get him a wet tissue to wipe his hands, and when his hands were clean, he would wipe his mouth again.

Unexpectedly, Chu Qi wiped his mouth clean for him.

"Thank you...thank you." Gu Beiyan thanked him with a stammering smile.

Chu Qi didn't even look at him, she took out another wet wipe and threw it over: "Wipe your hands."


Wen Zifei's peripheral vision flickered, and he clearly smelled some information in his eyes.

Just as he was absent-mindedly drinking the soup, he raised his eyes and coincidentally collided with Shen Ji's eyes.

The person on the other side obviously noticed something, but Shen Ji didn't like gossip, so he wouldn't pick it out and tease him.

Not to mention Yu Yuanyuan, who has always been slow in these aspects, only "eating", as always, is infatuated.

All the thoughts are on the food, and there is no mind to take care of other things.

In the elevator of the restaurant, Yu Yuanyuan and Gu Beiyan had endless aftertaste.

"I just finished eating, and I started to miss it~" Gu Beiyan sighed while rubbing his stomach.

"Yes, yes~" Yu Yuanyuan squinted and sighed.

"This chef is not simple," Gu Beiyan praised the chef full of praise, "and he is also handsome! He really has skills!"

"Yes, yes~" Yu Yuanyuan, who was still squinting her eyes, continued to echo without any hesitation.

Behind what she didn't see, the bottom of Shen Ji's dark eyes moved slightly, as if a silent pool was broken by a leaf.

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