The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1891 Waiting For Her Chapter Reply

Chapter 1891 Waiting For Her Reply
When Yu Mingxi heard this sentence, he raised his head pretending to be surprised: "Do you have someone you like? Why haven't I heard you mention it."

"It's not the right time."

Without further questioning, Yu Mingxi nodded: "Understood."

In Shen Ji's heart, he has always been a character who knows how to measure and doesn't interfere too much in other people's lives.

If you ask the bottom line at this time, it will make Shen Ji suspicious.

Yu Mingxi promised Yu Yuanyuan that he would not let Shen Ji know her feelings, so he would not betray Yuanyuan.

After chatting about topics that had nothing to do with feelings, Yu Mingxi found an excuse to go back to the hospital and left the cafe.

Shen Ji, who was originally eloquent and seemingly calm, seemed to be stripped of his disguise when Yu Mingxi left the coffee shop from behind.

The fingers on the table were gradually clenched, and it took a long time for them to relax.

He first opened the movie app to check the recently released movies. There was a feature film that Yu Yuanyuan had mentioned before, and she had been interested in it since before it was released.

As an actor herself, Yu Yuanyuan is also very concerned about movies. Every time she encounters a good movie, she will ask Shen Ji if she wants to go with her.

Shen Ji always asks about Yu Yuanyuan's schedule, and directly buys a ticket to take her there.

However, this time is different.

Carefully recalling the timeline of what happened at noon, combined with Yu Mingxi's words, Shen Ji guessed that Yu Yuanyuan planned to ask him to watch a movie with him after dinner, after all, his time was better coordinated than Yu Yuanyuan's.

But she met him with a girl at the restaurant and thought he was on a date, so she never mentioned watching a movie?

Shen Ji still felt strange at noon. After Yu Yuanyuan sent a text message asking what he was doing, he never replied.

Various possibilities floated in his mind, making Shen Ji flustered.

Could it be that Yuanyuan thought that he was already dating that girl, so she didn't ask him out to avoid suspicion?
Thinking of this possibility, Shen Ji's fingertips trembled slightly, and immediately picked up his phone to send her a message.

"Yuanyuan, "Swirling Rain" is released, do you want to watch it?"

If Yu Yuanyuan was on the set, it would be slower to reply to messages, but it would not exceed 3 hours; but if she was resting, she would reply within an hour.

Yu family.

Yu Yuanyuan who received Shen Ji's message was so happy that she sat up suddenly from the bed, and subconsciously clicked into the dialog box.

But as soon as she typed the word "OK" with her finger, Yu Yuanyuan thought of her brother's instructions in the coffee shop today.

My brother will not harm her. My brother must have his reasons for saying this.

Yu Yuanyuan bit her lip, quickly deleted the reply, and put the phone aside.

Today's text message quota is only one, and it can't exceed 5 characters. She'd better save it up and reply later.

Three hours passed absent-mindedly, when Yu Yuanyuan was suddenly startled by the sound of a phone call.

It's Brother Shen Ji!
Her fingers were habitually covering "Answer", but before she could press down on her fingertips, Yu Mingxi's instructions sounded again in Yu Yuanyuan's mind.

Can't pick it up!

She can't answer brother Shen Ji's call!
But if you let her hang up, it seems very hurtful...

After thinking about it, Yu Yuanyuan decided not to answer, and turned the phone to silent.

After calling once but not answering, Shen Ji called again.

He has never been an annoying character, so he didn't bother Yu Yuanyuan anymore, as if he was waiting for her reply.

But this time, from day to night, there was no movement from Yu Yuanyuan's side.

Shen Ji even wanted to rush directly to Yu's house to see what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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