Chapter 1912 Sending a Diamond Ring (End of the full text)
Shen Ji just came out of the kitchen with the prepared milk tea, a group of people looked at He Yitong tacitly, and no one answered her question.

The sharp eyes swept over and over the people present——

There is no one who I don't know!
Shen Ji also celebrated their birthdays with them every year before, so his appearance is not surprising at all.

Is someone in the house?

Saying that, He Yitong was about to rush into the villa by dragging his luggage, but there were only a few servants inside.

"Yuanyuan, where's your boyfriend?"

"Here." Yu Yuanyuan blinked her eyes.

She didn't expect that Ba Ba didn't tell Ma Ma that Chen Ji's elder brother was her boyfriend, and she started to show off in a full stomach.

He Yitong shivered suddenly, his eyes slanted left and right: "It's broad daylight, don't tell ghost stories!"

"Ma Ma, it's brother Shen Ji." Yu Yuanyuan pulled Shen Ji to her side with a small hand.

Needless to say, the two look really good together.

Both of them are good-looking, have a relationship foundation, understand each other, and even have the cutest height difference.

It's just... After so many years, Shen Ji suddenly became Yuanyuan's boyfriend, He Yitong still needs some time to get used to it.

"Really...Really?" He Yitong directly skipped over Yu Yingze and Yu Mingxi, and stared at Yu Jinxiao waiting for the answer.

Now that the matter has come to this, Yu Jinxiao is definitely not a person who likes to joke, he will definitely tell himself the truth.

"Well, it's true."

"Ma Ma?" Seeing that Ma Ma was so shocked, Yu Yuanyuan's voice was a little worried.

He Yitong spread his arms, hugged Yuanyuan into his arms, and gently kissed her hair: "My cub has grown up, really grown up..."

"'t object, would you?"

"Of course not!" He Yitong let go of his arms, smiled and patted Shen Ji on the shoulder, "Shen Ji is the child we grew up with, he is so good, why should I object? Oppose it!"

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

Yu Yuanyuan's long-awaited barbecue birthday party finally started.

Even if it is a family gathering, Shen Ji, the "new boyfriend", naturally blends in with everyone and is already a part of the family.

It's just that He Yitong and Yu Yingze occasionally joked about him, and Shen Ji would agree with him with a smile.

On the contrary, Yu Yuanyuan blushed after a while.

The party didn't end until after dark.

For Yu Yuanyuan, this was the happiest day in her life.

If possible, she really hoped that time could stop at this moment.

When Shen Ji was about to leave, he offered to ask Yu Yuanyuan to go out with her. As soon as she heard it, she knew that the "gift link" was coming soon! ! !

Baba, elder brother and second elder brother's gifts were handed over to Yu Yuanyuan early in the morning.

Ma Ma's gift was also given to her as soon as she got home.

Only brother Shen Ji seemed to have forgotten about it, but Yu Yuanyuan knew Shen Ji too well, it was absolutely impossible for him to forget!
It must have been intended to be given to her when they were alone together.

There were only dim lights on the side of the road outside, and Shen Ji's car was parked outside the villa area, so they had to go outside.

Yu Yuanyuan even suspected... This was also arranged by brother Shen Ji in advance!
"Yuanyuan, I actually prepared this gift a long time ago, but I always thought that I would have no chance to give it to you." Shen Ji gently held her palm with one hand, and opened the box in the palm with his fingers.

Inside that seemingly beautiful and expensive velvet brocade box lay a big diamond ring.

The diamond, which was bigger than a fingernail, was actually shone by the street lamp, and Yu Yuanyuan squinted her eyes in such a gorgeous way.

Her heart was beating wildly.

Did you propose so soon? !
Too...too fast!
Yu Yuanyuan only felt her breathing quickened, her heart beat faster, and her head became dizzy.

"I know we've only just started dating, and I'm too anxious to ask you to wear this ring immediately," Shen Ji smiled, and "changed" another necklace from the box, and put the ring on to become a pendant, "Yuanyuan, you Are you willing to accept this gift? When you are ready, I hope I can put the ring on your finger with my own hands."

Yu Yuanyuan nodded, feeling a slight coolness on her neck.

Shen Ji put the necklace with the ring pendant on her neck, and kissed her forehead lightly.

On the deserted path, only the dim but warm street lamps enveloped them.

For a moment, Yu Yuanyuan felt that the world was quiet for them.

When she returned to the courtyard, Yu Yuanyuan, who had just entered, was surrounded by several figures, chasing her and gossiping.

"What did Shen Ji give you?" Yu Yingze raised his eyebrows.

"That's right, this is your first birthday present after your formal relationship. What are you getting?" He Yitong also had a gossiping smirk.

Although Yu Jinxiao and Yu Mingxi didn't ask anything, they both had similar curiosity in their eyes.

"Hey, guess it~" Yu Yuanyuan deliberately raised her empty hands to show them.

Who knew that Yu Yingze's eyes were sharp, and when he saw something reflective on the collar of his clothes, he stretched out his hand and hooked it——

"Oh!!! Shen Ji gave me a diamond ring!!"

"What!! Shen Ji proposed???" He Yitong's eyes widened like copper bells.

Yu Jinxiao, who was sitting on the bench and stroking the cat, slapped his hands, and Dahua almost grabbed the hair off.

"Meow—(painful!)" Dahua protested depressedly.

Yu Jinxiao patted the cat's head, its ears almost pricked up.

He has a hundred thousand questions in his heart, but he doesn't want to appear out of tune with the current atmosphere.

"Brother Shen Ji said that he will put the ring on for me when I'm ready." Yu Yuanyuan touched the pendant, tilted her head and leaned against He Yitong's head on her shoulder.

Hearing that they won't be getting married right away, Yu Jinxiao secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

He thought that he had concealed his change of mood well, but he didn't expect that He Yitong would still find out.

She raised her hand to hook Yu Jinxiao over, and put her arms around her husband and daughter: "Haha, some people are already reluctant to let their daughter get married!"

"Are you talking about you?" Yu Jinxiao asked stiffly.

Under the moonlight, the family cuddled closely, casting a shadow without gaps in the pure twilight, like a closely connected hill.

The beauty and warmth of tonight is just the beginning, and more happy days are coming soon.

(End of the article)

(End of this chapter)

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