The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 197 Guess what I have in my hand?

Chapter 197 Guess what I have in my hand?
"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo off, help duck!!"

Chu Qi, who had been calm since just now, raised her hand and grabbed the gecko into her palm: "So you are afraid of this. I saw that you didn't react, so I thought you were not afraid."


"It should have fallen when you were arching over the vine just now." Chu Qi walked back, raised her hand and threw it directly into the grass.

Yu Yuanyuan opened her eyes wide, looking at Chu Qi's handsome figure in disbelief, the light in her pupils shone brightly: "You... you are so amazing, you are so good!!!"

"Small, I'm not afraid of geckos." Chu Qi clapped her hands and returned to the team.

"You're great!!" The cute Zai Zai crazily relaxed his rainbow fart.

Chu Qi was flattered: "It's so-so."

Although she was about to be slapped by Rainbow Fart and almost took off, Chu Qi still had to maintain her calm demeanor.

Glancing at the gap in the vine where she made a small round hole, Yu Yuanyuan felt lingering fear, and hurriedly moved in the opposite direction, not daring to go past it again.

There is such a scary little stuff in the grass! !

Geckos look scary and can move!
Thinking of this, Yu Yuanyuan glanced at the shoulder crying, always felt that it was still there.

When all the little friends in the second class are here, Teacher Su leads everyone to the classroom together.

At the end of the line, a little boy suddenly ran up and stretched out his fist in front of Chu Qi: "Chu Qi, guess what I have in my hand?"

Without even looking at it, Chu Qi replied indifferently: "Shit."

Little boy: "..." Do you want to talk more carefully?

The little boys and girls in the kindergarten were all about the same height, and the little boy was not much taller than Chu Qi, but no matter in terms of hairstyle or appearance, they were extremely handsome and handsome.

There are dimples when he laughs, but there is always a bad feeling in his eyes.

Chu Qi didn't seem to want to talk to him very much, the little boy curled his lips and asked again: "Don't you want to know?"

"Do not want to."

The little boy insisted: "You said 'want'."

"Do not want to."

"Think and think, what kind of duck is it?" Chu Qi's curiosity was not aroused, but Yu Yuanyuan's was aroused.

Xiao Zai Zai originally walked side by side with Chu Qi, but his eyes were magnified with the good mood of the little boy.

The little boy didn't even notice that it wasn't Chu Qi who answered, but Yu Yuanyuan. With a "hehe" smile, he opened his palm, and a black worm suddenly jumped out of the palm.

The worm looked black, had wings, and was as big as a thumb. When it was blown by the wind, it jumped directly into the middle of Yu Yuanyuan's bangs.

"Wow——" Yu Yuanyuan, who stopped crying for less than five minutes, was frightened into tears again.

The team stopped as a whole, and the pitiful cry made Teacher Su's heart skip a beat.

"What's wrong?" Teacher Su hurried over to check.

A shiny cricket landed on Yu Yuanyuan's bangs in a daze, motionless.


Teacher Su's heart almost melted, and he stepped forward bravely, preparing to give that hateful cricket that scared Yuanyuan to... huh?

With quick hands and quick eyes, Chu Qi grabbed the cricket and threw it directly into the little boy's hat.

(End of this chapter)

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