The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 200 Can You Mature 1 Point

Chapter 200 Can You Be Mature?

Teacher Su smiled, and announced the answers next to each other: "No. 1 is a kitten, No. 2 is a little white fox, and No. 3 is a little white rabbit~"

The unbelievable little cub's eyes dilated, shock reflected in the black pupils: "!!!"

Kitten No. 1 held its head up, could not see its ears, and was round and round. Yu Yuanyuan didn't look carefully at it from a distance.

Not to mention the little white fox on the 2nd, she doesn't even know what a white fox is.

The little white rabbit on No. 3 was hiding in the grass, and the whole picture was not taken. Gu Beiyan was not sure at the beginning, and jumped repeatedly on No. 1 and No. 3.

Things that are very simple for adults and can even be judged without using the brain will be much more difficult for children.

Restricted by the angle and size of the picture, children can construct completely different answers in their hearts.

"If you are stupid, don't just hand over the answers to others," Chu Qi scolded Gu Beiyan again in disgust, "Don't hurt others, can you?"

She used to think that Gu Beiyan was naughty, but she didn't expect to see his extremely stupid side today!
If it weren't for Yu Yuanyuan, I'm afraid it wouldn't have aroused his strong desire to express.

"Okay, Yuanyuan sit down first." Teacher Su gestured with a smile.

Xiao Zai Zai, who was still in a daze, slowly sat down. She looked at the No. 1 kitten on the class board, and she really couldn't accept it!
She even admitted that she was wrong, woo woo woo, she is so stupid!

Yu Yuanyuan, who fell into negativity, lay on the table, staring at the lesson board sleepily, her whole meow soul was gone.

After finally getting out of class, Gu Beiyan hurriedly looked for an opportunity to apologize: "I'm sorry, I... I made a mistake, and I didn't say the wrong answer on purpose."

"You apologized many times this morning," Chu Qi rolled her eyes, "Can you be more mature and think clearly before doing things?"

Gu Beiyan was stunned: "I'm only four years old."

Also, it seems a bit outrageous to let a four-year-old mature.

This time, even Chu Qi was silent.

Unlike others, the reason why Chu Qi can come to this kindergarten is all due to her parents who have not seen anyone for hundreds of years.

Usually there is only a nanny at home. Although she is only three and a half years old, she has learned to be independent as much as she can early on, and her thinking is much more mature than ordinary children.

Because, whether she is being coquettish, capricious or crying, she will never get a response from her parents.

Chu Qi's speech and behavior are more mature than children of the same age, which is also what Teacher Su is worried about.

She found that Chu Qi didn't have many friends in the class. Apart from occasionally scolding Gu Beiyan to add "today's talking volume", she liked to sit alone in a corner in a daze.

Teacher Su also tried to find her parents several times, but in the end it was the nanny who came to the kindergarten, and it was useless to talk about it.

"Qiqi," a joyful voice interrupted Teacher Su's thoughts, "Do you know how to do this?"

Yu Yuanyuan held up her new water bottle, turned it over and over for a long time, but still couldn't figure out how to drink water.

There are many children who use straw water bottles in the kindergarten, but most of them find the opening after a few fiddles. Only the little ones can't figure it out after more than ten minutes of clumsy fiddling.

Teacher Su desperately resisted the urge to help, and let Xiao Zai Zai find a way to solve it by himself. This is also a special training.

"It's simple," Chu Qi took it casually, pressed the switch next to it, and the cover opened automatically, "Look, isn't it just opened?"

"Wow wow, Kiki, you're so awesome," Yu Yuanyuan clapped her palms, "You're so awesome!!!"

Chu Qi and Gu Beiyan froze in place: As for... as for?

Yu Yuanyuan, who was happily clapping her paws, hadn't come in a hurry to rejoice, and the laughing and playful little friends behind her pushed and ran past her, bumping the little cub into a stagger, and fell forward facing the ground. go……

(End of this chapter)

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