The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 211 This Hatred Cannot Be Dissolved Casually

Chapter 211 This Hatred Cannot Be Dissolved Casually

Gu Beiyan was dumbfounded.

Chu Qi was speechless.

Wen Zifei was completely confused.

He originally wanted to throw bugs on Yu Yuanyuan's bed, but she turned around and said thank you?

Thank you for what? ?

What's there to thank you for?
Wen Zifei is simply incredible!

It's a conspiracy, it must be a conspiracy, he can't mess himself up.

Glancing at the fruit that Yu Yuanyuan had distributed, Wen Zifei pushed it away with a cold snort, only forking his own, without even looking at it.

I don't know what's wrong, do you want to use this method to subdue him?
no way!
This hatred cannot be resolved casually!
Thinking about it, Wen Zifei felt the pinched place on his finger begin to ache again.

"Your fingers are so cute," the cub with something wrapped around his mouth was still talking to Wen Zifei, "What kind of animal is that?"

Wen Zifei: Ignore her, ignore her, ignore her.

Hmph, it must be ironic to say that his fingers are cute! !
"Is that raging?" Yu Yuanyuan next door kept talking.

Either eating or talking, there is no time to close still.

Wen Zifei felt his head was about to bleed, bit his back teeth and choked out two words: "Panda!"

What's so weird, you don't even know pandas, are they aliens that came out of the ground? ?
"It's so cute, where can I get it?" Xiao Zaizai has already swept up the fruit, and concentrates on talking to Wen Zifei, "Yuanyuan also wants this cute boob-wrapped claw."

Wen Zifei:! ! !

What's the matter with this pure tone without any pretense?

Is this Yu Yuanyuan really all right?

No, no, something is wrong.

Wen Zifei suddenly calmed down, and asked coldly, "This is a Band-Aid, do you want it too?"

"Think about it, think about it," Yu Yuanyuan nodded solemnly, "How did you get it?"

Wen Zifei, who was churning with bad water in his stomach, smiled evilly: "You can get it if you let the bug bite one."

"Shen Mo?" Xiao Zai Zai's three views were shaken, "Is that painful?"

"No pain, no pain." Wen Zifei's tone was full of mysterious temptation.

He was like a demon with horns on his head, using his innocence to trick her into a trap bit by bit.

"Then...where can I find Chongchong?" Yu Yuanyuan, who wanted a panda head, was eager to move.

Wen Zifei pulled her up with a smirk, ran to the grass outside and squatted for a long time, finally caught the black bug that the teacher had thrown away just now.

"Come on, put your hands in these pliers." He lifted the bug, and Wen Zifei deliberately moved it to Xiao Zai Zai's fingers, "Let it pinch it...that's it!"

Yu Yuanyuan, who had no intentions, just leaned over and waited quietly.

I waited and waited until my waist was bent to the point of soreness, but nothing happened.

The worm just opened its pincers and remained motionless, never pinching the little cub's claws.

Seeing that everyone has fallen into the trap, Wen Zifei has no chance of giving up, so he shakes the bug anxiously: "Quickly clamp it."

The black pliers were attached to the cub's skin, but the bug seemed to be dead, and there was no reaction at all.

"What's wrong with it?" Yu Yuanyuan worriedly shook her fingertips in the air, "Is it dead?"

The small endings all have a bit of pity and sadness.

After waiting for a long time for the plan to fail, Wen Zifei was completely anxious, and tried to use his finger to probe it: "It's not dead, it was still moving just now—ah!!!"

There was another shrill scream in the kindergarten.

(End of this chapter)

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