The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 225 Don't know what the follower needs to do?

Chapter 225 Don't know what the follower needs to do?

Yu Mingxi remembered that Yu Yuanyuan always said that he was a little meow fairy: "Probably because Yuanyuan is a little meow fairy, so she can only understand cats and birds, and birds... It's a foreign language, and I can't understand the language."

An excuse that sounds too ridiculous, but it actually works for Xiao Zai Zai.

She nodded, with a look of sudden realization, raised her head, and sincerely praised: "Brother is so amazing!"

Yu Mingxi smiled and patted her head, thinking that this little milk bag is really cute.

Yu Yuanyuan, who went to the kindergarten the next day, was no longer crying, nor would she complain about not wanting to go in.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the kindergarten, Xiao Zai Zai happily greeted the children in the kindergarten next to each other.

Although I can't remember all the names, she will always wave her paws at each other happily, and her joy makes everyone who is greeted equally happy.

Except Wen Zifei.

He got off the car and walked to the school gate, and saw Yu Yuanyuan waving to him in the queue at a glance.

He didn't sleep well last night, Wen Zifei had many terrible dreams, dreaming that Yu Yuanyuan would try every means to enslave him and make him lose face today.

When he got up in the morning, he really wanted his mother to ask for leave, but after a long time, his mother and father refused to agree, and even carried him into the car himself.

Wen Zifei knew that he had no escape, but at least he could pretend to ignore her.

He skipped over Yu Yuanyuan waving his claws desperately, and stood at the end of the line with his schoolbag on his back.

"Some followers don't realize it," Chu Qi saw everything, and deliberately said in a strange manner, "Don't you know what the followers need to do?"

Wen Zifei bit his lip as if someone poked his sore foot, and suddenly stepped forward to grab Yu Yuanyuan's schoolbag.

The small and limp Cub Zai was dragged to one side, as if he had been drunk, with his eyes wide open, he stared blankly at the front and had no time to react.

Gu Beiyan couldn't stand it any longer: "Hey, is the follower as rude as you?"

The wobbly Yu Yuanyuan managed to stand firm, and Wen Zifei had already picked up her schoolbag in her hand.

"Thank you, duck." Yu Yuanyuan, who rolled her eyes with a smile, was cute like a white soft glutinous rice cake.

Especially today she wore a cute bun, her bangs were pinned up, and her snow-white cheeks were so smooth that people wanted to take a bite.

Wen Zifei originally wanted to choke her, but looking at that overly cute face, he couldn't say anything too much, instead, his face turned red.

"...Hmph." Wen Zifei, who deliberately didn't look at her, turned his head away.

After picking up the children, the teacher led everyone to the classroom, and specially praised the little boy who was so obedient when he went to school the next day.

Yu Yuanyuan was full of energy, sat upright, and looked very serious in class.

Even the math class has a higher correct rate than yesterday, and there is no need for people to secretly hand in the answers below.

"Zifei, are you really her follower?" During the break after class, someone couldn't help asking curiously.

Wen Zifei frowned, and gave him an impatient look: "It's not that I thought, if you didn't score a goal yesterday, I wouldn't have lost."

"..." The other party retorted speechlessly.

During the free time, the children were divided into groups to play ball outside.

Chu Qi doesn't like sports either, if it wasn't for being with Yu Yuanyuan, she wouldn't be standing here.

Only Gu Beiyan is like a big energetic dog, jumping around, helping the cubs to pick up the ball all the time.

As Yu Yuanyuan's follower, Wen Zifei was also automatically included in this group, but he was not in the mood to play, and kicked every now and then.


The ball that Yu Yuanyuan kicked flew to Wen Zifei's side, he lost his strength and accidentally kicked the ball to the nearby tree.

(End of this chapter)

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