The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 227 What kind of monster are you

Chapter 227 What kind of monster are you

Chu Qi was speechless for a second.

Wen Zifei sarcastically said: "Hey, you don't really believe that cats can help you? Hahahaha, silly or not, if it can help you, I'll be your follower for another week."

The cat lying on the tree lazily opened its eyes, glanced at Yu Yuanyuan under the tree, and remained motionless: "I'm in trouble, I won't help."

"Please, Meow~~" Xiao Zai Zai clasped his hands together and shook his heart lightly, frowning cutely, and begging in a soft and waxy tone.

Hearing that, Gu Beiyan wanted to go all out to climb trees, and his sanity was running low.

The big orange cat seemed to sigh, and slowly got up, stepping on the branches and walking towards the treetop where the shoes were hanging with a light and balanced movement.

Wen Zifei, who was being sarcastic, suddenly became quiet, staring at the changing scene in front of him, holding his breath.

I saw the big orange suddenly stretched out its claws, meowed, and the stuck shoe successfully passed through the branch of the tree, and fell to the ground with a click.

"Meow meow meow meow, there is also Qiuqiu, thank you~~" Xiao Zaizai, with one bare foot, gestured desperately to the front with his claws.

Daju glanced at them impatiently, and Chu Qi even saw the disgust in his eyes? !

This guy is a cat, right?yes?Why are there such vivid eyes?

When he reached the tip of the branch, Big Orange suddenly stood up and pressed down hard with his two paws. The stuck ball fell through the branch and fell to the ground.

Chu Qi and Wen Zifei below raised their heads in disbelief, forgetting to close their mouths.

"Meow? Meow——" The fragile branch couldn't bear the weight of the big orange, and it broke with a creak when it was about to turn back.

Yu Yuanyuan raised her arms, and rushed forward screaming to catch it, but the big orange rolled gracefully in mid-air, stepped on her shoulder, and landed smoothly.

Looking at the air in his arms, Xiao Zai Zai was stunned for two seconds, and clapped his hands frantically on the ground: "You are so amazing!!!"

Daju licked his hair calmly: "Hehe, it's just a trivial matter, what a fuss."

"Strange, can this cat understand human language?" Wen Zifei, who was dismissive, let go of his reserve, and leaned over to look curiously, "How does it know what to fetch for us?"

Daju, who was licking its fur, was suddenly stunned, and suddenly raised the cat's head to look at Yu Yuanyuan: "How can I understand what you say?"

The little cub squatting next to it tried to touch its fur, and its little paws were irregularly probing beside it: "I can understand what you say too!"

What? ! ? !

It doesn't believe it! ! !
Daju got up, raised the ears of the plane, and the hair on his body also exploded: "What kind of monster are you!"

"Shhh..." Yu Yuanyuan made a quiet gesture mysteriously, and moved to the cat's ear, "Yuanyuan is not a monster, but a little fairy."

Daju: "..." Don't think that cheating meow is not wicked!
Seeing Daju's sudden silence, Xiao Zaizai instantly understood its suspicious look: "It's true, it's true, Yuanyuan didn't lie to you."

Chu Qi, Gu Beiyan and Wen Zifei were not in the mood to look at cats, they were all looking at Yu Yuanyuan in disbelief.

Did she really understand, or did she pretend to understand?
Can you chat with cats?

"Then if you are a fairy, can you turn me into a human?" Daju stood up straight, with his long tail erected in a straight line behind him.

Yu Yuanyuan smiled and shook her head: "Yuanyuan can't pinch."

Daju put on a kitten face: "Hmph, waste of time."

As he said that, he turned to leave, but suddenly his tail was grabbed by someone, which made Daju tremble all over.

The one who boldly grabs its tail is Yu Yuanyuan! ! !

"Meow!!!" Daju knocked fiercely, and raised his paw to scratch her.

(End of this chapter)

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