The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 229 What a scheming meow

Chapter 229 What a scheming meow
A child asked curiously: "Yuanyuan, can you understand meow?"

"Yes." Xiao Zai Zai nodded.

The teacher and the security guard didn't take it seriously either. Children's imaginations are always unconstrained, and it's not surprising that they imagine themselves as being able to understand meows.

After tearing open the package, the security uncle didn't even have time to break the ham sausage, so the big orange came up and ate it.

Just like the big flower last night, it was delicious, as if I had been hungry for a long time.

Sweeping inhaled by the storm, a piece of sausage quickly bottomed out.

Uncle Security found another bowl of water, and a large group of children watched the kitten eating and drinking curiously.

After having enough water and food, Daju lay comfortably on the side of his stomach and stopped getting angry.

"For the sake of your confession, I don't care about it." After saying that, it yawned and began to lazily lick the fur around the wound.

"Don't lick it!" Teacher Su grabbed the cat's head.

The wound is freshly treated and needs an Elizabethan circle.

But this is a kindergarten, where can I find an Elizabeth circle? ?

"Teacher, is Miao Miao okay?" Xiao Zai Zai squatted next to him and participated in the whole process. Whenever the little claw caught the opportunity, he touched the fur, making the big orange purr.

Teacher Su sighed: "I need an Elizabeth circle."

"Is Elizabeth Quan a magic horse?" Yu Yuanyuan, who couldn't understand at all, had a dull expression.

Accustomed to being questioned by the children, Teacher Su took out his mobile phone and searched for pictures on the Internet to show the little one.

Yu Yuanyuan watched it for a while, then suddenly slapped her thigh: "Yuanyuan knows where it is!"

Teacher Su: "?" Even she doesn't know, how can this little boy know?
The round figure actually ran all the way into the security guard box at the door, grabbed something and ran back.

Teacher Su and Uncle Security saw it and almost laughed out loud on the spot.

Clean up the things that Xiao Zai Zai found, dig out holes, and a simple Elizabeth circle is completed!

Daju, who was taking a nap after eating and drinking, was suddenly put on his head by someone, and when he came to his senses, he couldn't take it off.

Daju shook his head in panic, and his claws desperately tried to grab the thing off his head.

Chu Qi stared blankly for a long time, and asked, "Is that it?"

Gu Beiyan was also hesitating: "I haven't eaten it, but it looks like it should be."

"You don't even know instant noodles, are you stupid?" Wen Zifei beat Gu Beiyan to death as soon as he found an opportunity.

Big Orange's head was covered with an Elizabeth ring made of instant noodle boxes, and she struggled for a long time without getting it off. Finally, she collapsed on the ground exhausted and gasped for air.

"You all hate meow, you all hate meow!"

The only cub who can understand Miao's language tried hard to translate Teacher Su's words: "This hat is to prevent Miao Miao from scratching the wound. When the wound is healed, it will be taken off for you."

"Meow don't believe it!!!"

"During your recovery period, Uncle Security will take care of you and prepare food and drink for you every day."

Daju was silent for a moment, turned the head covered with the green instant noodle box, Fox asked: "Really?"

"Really, really."

In the eyes of everyone, Yu Yuanyuan seemed to be able to really communicate with that big orange. After talking about it for a long time, the big orange who was bluffing just now really became obedient.

YouQi heard that Uncle Security will take care of it in the future, and as soon as the orange cat turned its head around, it rubbed against the uncle's trouser legs in a pretentious manner.

What a scheming meow!

"Yuanyuan, can you really talk to this cat?" One of the little girls came out, still holding a handful of cat's fur just pulled out in her hand.

Xiao Zai Zai nodded in confusion.

"Then you ask if it likes me?"

After the translator asked the truth, he shook his head at the little girl: "It said it doesn't like you."

When the little girl heard it, her cheeks flushed, and she threw the cat fur in Yu Yuanyuan's face: "You are a liar, you are a liar!!"

(End of this chapter)

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