The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 243 Do You Know Who My Dad Is?

Chapter 243 Do You Know Who My Dad Is?

They were not playing with her, they were deliberately torturing her! !

You can see Yu Yuanyuan's appearance, calm and leisurely, like a biscuit spread out, lying comfortably on the grass.

In a daze, the twins felt that they were not torturing her, but she was treating them as coachmen!

They were exhausted and out of breath, but Yu Yuanyuan lay down comfortably on the lawn, waiting for them to pull——

Think beautiful!

Angrily, the twins untied the rope on her body, only dragging Da Hua to leave.

Yu Yuanyuan stretched out her hand to grab the rope, and lay down limply on the ground: "Don't bully Dahua!"

"You let go!"

"Don't let it go!"

"Let go!"


Xiao Zai Zai and the twins were in a stalemate, and one of them was so anxious that he stretched out his foot to kick her.

The nimble cub jumped to the right, kicked in vain, and the little boy fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, you are really useless, you can't even deal with a little girl." The other laughed unceremoniously, which angered his brother even more.

Patting the dust off his body, he casually picked up a palm-sized stone from the side, walking slowly with red eyes.

For the first time, Xiao Zai Zai clearly read the air——

Something is wrong!To escape!Must escape! ! !
But the rope around Dahua's neck was still held by another little boy, Yu Yuanyuan jumped up and rushed towards her...

He jumped forward and bit the rope, grinding his teeth twice, and the already thin ropes all broke.

Xiao Zai Zai grabbed the big flower into his arms and ran away.

The little guy who usually wobbles when he walks two steps, today he is at the speed of life and death, rushing far away in the blink of an eye.

So much so that the little boy holding on to the rope didn't react. He stared blankly at the half of the rope that had been broken in his hand, and suddenly came back to his senses: "She took the cat away!!!"

The twin brothers who were holding the stone looked at the stone in their hands with a sneer, aimed at Yu Yuanyuan's back, and dropped it vigorously!
The stone quickly drew an arc in mid-air, and flew in the direction of Xiao Zai Zai.

There was a cold sense of danger approaching from behind, Yu Yuanyuan had never been so nervous before, holding her breath and running desperately, running hard.

But the speed of danger approaching is still very fast!

Just as the little boy was holding the big flower and was about to get out of the grass, another stone flew in the air and smashed the stone thrown by the little boy with a "bang".

The chasing twins froze in place, keenly sensing the danger threatening them.

"What are you two brats doing!!" Gao Zhou stepped into the grass, and at a glance he saw the embarrassed little cub holding a big flower.

Yu Yuanyuan hugged Dahua tightly, and Dahua curled up in panic and lay trembling in her arms.

The clothes that were still clean at dinner were covered with mud and grass, and most of them were concentrated on the back. It looked like they had been dragged on the ground, and their hair was messy.

"Nothing," the two twins spread their hands indifferently, "just for fun."

Gao Zhou didn't believe what they said, so he knelt down to clean up the dirt on Xiao Zai Zai's body: "Miss Yuanyuan, tell me what they did!"

The situation just now made Xiao Zaizai extremely nervous, but now seeing Gao Zhou appearing, her tense mood suddenly relaxed, and she burst into tears with a "bark".

"Gao Susu, they are bullying Dafa, blah blah," Xiao Zaizai hugged Dahua tightly, crying and complaining, "They tied up Yuanyuan and Dahua... hiccup...and dragged them on the grass Drag it!"

When Gao Zhou heard this, he rushed to his head angrily: "Smelly brat, call your parents out!"

The twins even moved in unison, and looked at Gao Zhou disdainfully with their arms folded: "Heh, do you know who my dad is?"

(End of this chapter)

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