The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 25 How can even children lie

Chapter 25 How can even children lie
Yu Yuanyuan felt the world bang, woo woo woo, it's not getting better.

"Baba..." The pitiful voice was filled with soft-hearted pleading.

But what a hard-hearted person is the co-pilot: "It's useless, you have to go back."

This tone of Yu Yuanyuan is not unheard of.

When she accidentally ate 10 fishes and ate 5 fairy fruits, this was the tone of Black Panther Baba.

There are no conditions to talk about, fierce and cold, no matter how much she asks, she will never give her more than one bite of food, saying that she is afraid that she will die of hunger.

If Xiao Miaoxian is strangled to death, it will be the biggest joke in the fairy world.

The past came to my mind, Yu Yuanyuan let out a long breath like a little adult, and sat back in the back row muttering: "It's too much... too much ow... so much meow..."

"When I'm free, I'll go to the orphanage to see... to see you." Yu Jinxiao suddenly felt a trace of guilt, and bit the bullet to comfort him.

Yu Yuanyuan didn't believe it at all, and raised her eyes to glance at him: "Baba, why are you even lying to children?"

Yu Jinxiao: "...What did I lie to?"

"You don't even have time to spend with your brothers, how could you come and see Yuanyuan?"

The car was suddenly quiet.

Gao Zhou, who was driving, also had mixed feelings in his heart.

Children always speak out some serious words, exposing the lies and deceptions that adults are used to.

Yu Jinxiao didn't refute, perhaps it should be said that it was the first time he was so bullied by a child that he didn't know how to speak.

It was quiet all the way until the gate of the orphanage. The hustle and bustle outside changed the situation in the car.

When Gao Zhou saw the situation at the gate of the orphanage, he also looked confused.

What's the matter? ? ?

There were several men and women standing at the door, looking at their car expectantly and tugging at each other excitedly.

Those eyes and gazes were clearly welcoming them.

"It's Teacher Lin!" Yu Yuanyuan suddenly leaned on the back of the chair, "And Teacher Li... what are they playing?"

Children's sadness always comes and goes like the wind, and curiosity immediately takes over.

After the car stopped, Gao Zhou opened the rear door and extended his hand politely: "Yuanyuan, get out of the car."

Yu Yuanyuan stared blankly at those big hands, gave up resistance, and held Gao Zhou's index finger limply: "Thank you, Gao Susu."

"It's really Yuanyuan, that's great!" A younger woman ran over excitedly, hugged Yuanyuan in her arms and kissed her, "It's fine, it's fine."

"Gao Zhou, have you bought all the things I asked you to buy?" Yu Jinxiao gave orders by the door with folded hands.

"I bought it!" Gao Zhou opened the trunk, which was full of things, everything.

The few teachers who greeted me were all stunned, this is... what are they doing?

"I don't know what the teachers like, so I just bought something." Gao Zhou took out a few things from the car and stuffed them into the hands of the adults waiting at the door, "Meeting gift, meeting gift, please take good care of Yuanyuan in the future. "

Everyone present had a gift, and everyone was pleasantly surprised.

After Gao Zhou distributed the presents, he brought out some clothes, quilts, powdered milk toys and other children's items, all of which were high-end and brand new, and he didn't even have to tear off the labels.

"These are all for Yuanyuan's use."

The staff of the orphanage hurried over to pick it up, and thanked Yu Yuanyuan for their help.

Yuanyuan stood beside the car, secretly watching.

Bad water gurgles in my stomach.

Hey, let's forget it this time, wait for her to dig out quietly next time... Dad will change his mind sooner or later!
"By the way, Mr. Yu, we also prepared some precautions for you." Teacher Li hurried into the security booth next to him, and solemnly walked out twisting a red thing.

In the middle of a red pennant, there are four big yellow characters written——

Hit the abducted hero.

Yu Jinxiao: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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