Chapter 252

Xiao Zai Zai, who was waiting for his father's response on the phone, never heard the answer.

As if he had to wait until Yu Jinxiao agreed or refused, Yu Yuanyuan's pitiful voice urged on the phone: "Baba, are you ready?"

God! !

Let him Yu Jinxiao do this kind of thing...

kill him.

However, thinking of the cries of the little cub just now, Yu Jinxiao's heart seemed to be pinched by something, and he was a little suffocated.

Maybe letting Xiao Zai Zai do this kind of boring operation can make her feel at ease.

Yu Yuanyuan was still too young, and had never encountered such a situation before. The sound of crying just now made Yu Jinxiao feel in a trance that he was her god.

Dad was hurt like the sky was falling.

"Wait a minute." Yu Jinxiao said softly to the phone, and immediately covered the microphone with his palm.

Raising his head again, his voice instantly became cold.

"You all get out."

The busy group of people who were discussing the injury with the doctor suddenly fell silent and looked at Yu Jinxiao in puzzlement.

Did they do something wrong?
Why are they suddenly kicked out?

"Don't you understand? Go out first." Yu Jinxiao was afraid that Xiao Zai Zai would be anxious, so his tone became a little bit more hostile.

The subordinates looked at the doctor, so they could only follow Yu Jinxiao's order and invite everyone outside.

"Close the door, no one is allowed to pass through the door, let alone look inside."

Yu Jinxiao's request made them more and more confused.

The subordinates and secretaries who were accustomed to obeying orders all went out obediently, and after closing the door of the ward, they all stood facing outwards at the door.

No one else is allowed to pass by the door.


Yu Jinxiao picked up the phone again, and said in a slightly cramped tone, "Okay."

"Baba is ready!" the excited little Zaizai asked on the phone, "Yuanyuan is going to start blowing, and Baba is going to put the phone near the wound."

After a pause, Yu Jinxiao unnaturally placed the phone above the wound.

After a few seconds, the voice of Xiao Zai Zai came from the other end: "Yuan Yuan is starting~~"

The soft little accent sounded very happy, and Yu Jinxiao couldn't bear to refuse.

He suppressed the uneasiness in his heart like a ghost, and a soft blowing sound came from the receiver: "Huh~~~"

"TangTu is flying away~hoo~~TuTuTu is blown away~~"

After blowing foolishly for several minutes, the little boy on the other end of the phone was out of breath: "Baba, does the wound still hurt?"

Yu Jinxiao picked up the phone, a smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It doesn't hurt anymore."

"Wow, that's great," Xiao Zai Zai's happy footsteps ran back and forth on the phone, "It doesn't hurt to pull it out~~"

After cheering, there was rustling on the other end of the phone, and Yu Yuanyuan's voice came again.

It was posted very close to the phone, but the volume was very low, as if afraid of disturbing him.

"Baba don't go to buy pineapple cakes, Yuanyuan is waiting for your fat family."

Hearing Xiao Zai Zai's sweet voice, Yu Jinxiao wished he could get up and set off immediately, and go home now——

However, there were still some things he had to deal with before he could leave.

Suppressing the beating in his heart, Yu Jinxiao whispered to the other end of the phone: "Don't worry, Dad is fine."

Usually I am used to hearing my father's angry and fierce voice, but I have never heard such a gentle father before, thinking that my father's wounds are not crispy and he is too tired.

The little guy holding the phone asked in a low voice: "Is Dad tired? Dad go to bed early, Yuanyuan won't bother you."

"By the way, Yu Yuanyuan, do you have any homework? Are you done?" Yu Jinxiao suddenly remembered something and asked casually.

With a bang, the phone was hung up in seconds, leaving only beeps in the receiver.

(End of this chapter)

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