Chapter 254
When she was in the fairyland before, the similar flowers that Yu Yuanyuan saw did not eat meat, but could survive by swallowing some dew and other flowers and plants.

At the same time, it will also carry the fragrance of the devoured plants...

Every time the leopard cat mother folds it back, washes it clean, and treats it a little bit, Yu Yuanyuan likes to hold it and chew it the most.

Crunchy, sweet, and other floral scents, just smelling delicious.

Thinking of the taste in memory, Yu Yuanyuan sighed softly, as if regretting that she hadn't eaten it for a long time.

Gao Zhou and Yu Mingxi didn't speak, probably because they couldn't understand the kid saying that he likes eating piranhas.

The air was quiet and silent for a few seconds, Yu Mingxi changed the subject, to make sure that Xiao Zai Zai wanted to be a "piranha".

Xiao Zai Zai nodded frantically, and the little claw patted on the prepared material: "Yes, yes!!"

Gao Zhou was worried that Yu Yuanyuan, who was carrying homework tomorrow, would be laughed at, and tried to break Xiao Zai Zai's determination: "But this flower eats people."

"Ah?" Sure enough, Yu Yuanyuan was stunned.

"This flower is called the cannibal flower," Gao Zhou introduced in the simplest and most direct way, "Look can eat people with a whine."

"'s so small." Xiao Zai Zai was dubious.

"The small ones eat bugs, the big ones eat people!"

Yu Yuanyuan fell into silence.

Just when Gao Zhou and Yu Mingxi thought she would change her mind, Xiao Zai Zai said weakly: "Then make it smaller and let it eat insects."


After all, I just want to be that scary piranha!
Yu Mingxi followed her habitually, and immediately pushed the materials over, cutting and collaging with Xiao Zai Zai.

Ten minutes later, Gao Zhou found himself redundant.

Compared with Xiao Zai Zai, he is 1.5 times more handicapped! ! !
Yu Yuanyuan glued out a piranha flower by herself, which looks quite decent, and Yu Mingxi is also responsible for it. Once she painted the color, it really looks like that.

Gao Zhou, who helped make flower pots, was sweating profusely——

"Gao Susu, why do you want to stick a cake?" Xiao Zaizai tilted his head in doubt, "We are going to make flower pots."

Gao Zhou was stunned: "What I make is a flowerpot..."

During his lifetime, Xiao Zai Zai also had a physical examination. What is speechless.

Unable to make Gao Zhou feel sad, Yu Yuanyuan painted a color on the flowerpot——

It's over, it's more like papa.

Glue piranhas to papa... No, on the flower pot, the homework of Xiao Zai Zai is finally done.

The little guy who was serious about making things one second, is clamoring to play with Dahua the next second.

Xiao Zai Zai, who hadn't come out in a hurry, was suddenly startled by a scream, his little shoulders trembled, and he looked towards the place where the sound came from—

It's the kitchen!
Sister Bei ran out screaming, "Help!!"

In an instant, the villa exploded. Gao Zhou and Uncle Yang rushed in, and ran out within two seconds.

"Ah ah ah" screams resounded throughout the room, Yu Yuanyuan looked left and right, but didn't understand what was going on.

"Where's the cat? Hurry up and bring that cat over to catch the mouse, hey!!!" Sister Bei jumped onto the stool, tremblingly looking for a little black shadow under her feet.


What are mice like?

As a meow, Yu Yuanyuan didn't need to catch mice in Wonderland, and she never met a mouse. This name was a completely blank image in her heart.


Just when Yu Yuanyuan was in a daze, and the others were holding brooms and shouting to kill, she saw a black, furry thing chirping towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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