The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 260 Why Did She Suddenly Be Weird?

Chapter 260 Why Did She Suddenly Be Weird?
Yu Yuanyuan's poor little heart was shattered by Yu Jinxiao's words.

But she didn't cry, didn't make a fuss, as if she was so sad that she had lost the reaction she should have, her little mouth was shaking in pain, and she didn't make a sound quietly.

Yu Jinxiao just wanted to dispel Xiao Zai Zai's idea of ​​raising a cat, but her heart was crushed to pieces by an unintentional and easy-to-understand sentence.

Gao Zhou, who had been silently observing, immediately noticed something was wrong.

Seeing Miss Yuanyuan's appearance, she must be unhappy, but she didn't cry!

Aggrieved and lonely, with his head hanging down, he walked out slowly and unsteadily, without even trying to resist.

How could Yu Jinxiao not understand the air.

Xiao Zaizai, who was still trying to win, suddenly looked like a balloon doll that had been punctured after hearing his words, his shoulders drooped and he didn't even have the strength to walk.

Looking at the slowly leaving back, Yu Jinxiao actually felt that the chubby little body seemed to be leaking air, like a small under-inflated ball, "rolling" with difficulty towards the door.


Why does this little cub suddenly look so shocked?

Yu Jinxiao thought that she would find some other excuses and rhetoric to change her mind. Usually, the reasons and excuses of this little glutinous rice balls are all set, not like someone who gives up so easily.

The two adults looked at each other in the study.

When Yu Yuanyuan's back disappeared outside the door, Yu Jinxiao finally couldn't help but asked, "Why is she acting so strange all of a sudden?"

Gao Zhou opened his mouth wide and paused for a moment, still at a loss: "You can't raise big flowers, if the blow is too big, wrong?"

What he said, it seemed that Xiao Zai Zai was mentally disturbed because he was refused to keep a pet.

This may be basically equivalent to a ghost story in Yu Jinxiao's heart...

However, looking at Yu Yuanyuan's state, it's a bit weird.

It could be seen that Mr. Yu was a little worried, Gao Zhou pointed to the door, and offered to propose: "How about... let me go and have a look?"

"Go," Yu Jinxiao frowned, as if he was hurting the wound, "wait a minute."

Calling Gao Zhou to stop, Yu Jinxiao asked Gao Zhou to find Xiao Zai Zai after a few more instructions.

"Understood." Gao Zhou took the lead.

The heartbroken little cub wandered to the yard, and immediately went to Dahua's nest to look for meow.

As a result, I squatted down and saw that the big flower was gone.

There is still a little bit of cat food in the food bowl, and more than half of the water is left, just like going out for a stroll occasionally, it looks like it will come back anytime.

But Xiao Zai Zai squatted there waiting and waiting, calling in a low voice for a long time, but there was no meow in response.

Woooooo, did Dahua know that her father didn't like it, so it left quietly.

The big flower is gone, and I heard my father say that he hates "cats and cats", and Xiao Zaizai is not well.

Sitting on the bench in the yard, Yu Yuanyuan stared at the empty cat litter, quietly wiping tears by herself.

Dad was injured before, and Xiao Zai Zai didn't want to make him angry, so he could only hide in a corner and feel sad.

"Miss Yuanyuan, are you unhappy?" Gao Zhou squatted beside the aggrieved little Zai Zai with his hands behind his back.

The mobile phone behind his back shows that he is on a call, and the name of the caller is "Mr. Yu".

Suddenly someone expressed concern in a gentle voice, and Xiao Zai Zai's sadness surged out: "Gao Susu, the big flower is gone, woo woo woo, does it know that Ba Ba doesn't like it and left!"

On the phone, Yu Jinxiao's heart ached when he heard the little glutinous rice balls that finally cried out.

(End of this chapter)

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