The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 262 Dad, Are You Gambling?

Chapter 262 Dad, Are You Gambling?
As if feeling that she was being stared at by a pair of unfriendly eyes, Dahua stopped abruptly as she was about to walk towards Xiaowo, and one person and one cat looked at each other from a distance.

"You are the big flower?" Yu Jinxiao glanced at the words on the small socket, narrowed his eyes and asked.

Da Hua stared at him and gave a cooperative "meow".

Suddenly, Yu Jinxiao felt that the cat really knew what he was talking about.

"Father, are you talking to Dahua?" Yu Mingxi's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Yu Jinxiao felt a sense of embarrassment that he had done something embarrassing and was caught on the spot.


"But, I heard it."

After a few seconds of silence, embarrassment floated in the air, and Yu Jinxiao gave up explaining.

Yu Mingxi smiled, knowing that his father was not used to being discovered by such childish behavior, so he wiped it away and didn't mention it again.

As soon as Dahua saw Yu Mingxi, the vigilance in her eyes suddenly decreased, and she even took two steps forward.

"Mingxi, stay away from it." Yu Jinxiao stretched out his hand to block his son.

Yu Mingxi hooked his hands, and Dahua ran over erratically, and put his head into his palm: "It's okay, the outdoors are relatively ventilated, cat hair has little effect on me, Dahua is really very good, everyone Loved it all."

Da Hua, who was in the posture of a big brother, was lying on the ground, obediently handing her head and back to Yu Mingxi to touch in a cute way.

From time to time, there was a gurgling sound in his throat, and he narrowed his eyes and enjoyed it.

"If it enters the house, it will bring the cat fur into the room." Yu Jinxiao vaguely felt that his worries had become Yu Mingxi's burden.

However, there seemed to be a wire pulling his position in his heart, making Yu Jinxiao stubbornly unable to let go of that worry.

From childhood to adulthood, except for his illness, Yu Mingxi occasionally needed someone to worry about and take care of him. Apart from that, this son took care of himself very well.

He never needed to worry too much.

Even took care of Yu Yingze's share.

Probably because of this peace of mind, Yu Jinxiao gradually reduced his attention to Yu Mingxi, and basically put his energy on work.

Ever since Yu Yuanyuan came to the house, he realized that he owed his two sons, and this sense of indebtedness magnified his worries infinitely.

It seemed that this could make up for the guilt he felt in his heart.

"Father, why don't we make a bet?" Yu Mingxi withdrew his hand, his smile under the setting sun was bright and dazzling, "If Dahua can stay in the yard obediently and not enter the house for a week, let him live in the yard, okay?" it is good?"

Yu Jinxiao didn't agree, he was not only worried about cat hair, but also about Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Mingxi's aesthetics.

Where is such an ugly cat so cute?
If they want cats, he can buy cute and beautiful breeds.

As if smelling Yu Jinxiao's thoughts, Dahua didn't go to Yu Jinxiao's side at all, and squatted beside Yu Mingxi obediently, not like a normal cat.

"Yuanyuan likes it very much, it is Yuanyuan's good friend, and Dahua is really very human." Yu Mingxi took out a small dried fish, shook it in his hand, and threw it out, "Dahua pick it up. "

Dahua, who was squatting well, got up and picked up the small dried fish, walked back with her fat body swinging, and squatted next to Yu Mingxi.

He just reluctantly let go of the dried fish with his slobbering mouth, and stared at Yu Mingxi eagerly.

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

is this cat?I'm afraid this cat has become a sperm, right?

"Father, do you want to gamble?" Yu Mingxi's smile was hard to refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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