The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 27 Compensation for throwing away Yuanyuan

Chapter 27 Compensation for throwing away Yuanyuan
"There is a father, Yuanyuan has a father!" Yu Yuanyuan retorted while jumping like a piece of QQ candy, "Yuanyuan has a father, a mom, and an elder brother! There are two elder brothers!"

"Hahahahaha," the little boy continued to laugh, putting his fingers on his face in embarrassment, "I'm not ashamed, if you have a father, why are you here! The children here don't have parents!"

"Woooooo, Yuanyuan has a father, really..."

Yuanyuan wanted to explain, but the group of little boys didn't listen to her at all, and continued to laugh at her as a little liar.

"You are not allowed to bully Yuanyuan!"

Accompanied by a childish roar, a group of small shadows rushed in, knocking over the leading boy at the front.

Yu Yuanyuan froze, the hand rubbing her eyes froze in the air.

The two scuffled on the ground for less than a round before being pulled away by other boys.

The little girl in her early years was wearing two shofar braids, and rushed towards the sky, with her waist thrusting fiercely to block Yu Yuanyuan behind her.

"Miao Miao!" Yu Yuanyuan moved up, grabbing the girl's clothes, "Don't fight, you will get hurt."

"I'm fine... hey?" Ding Miaomiao patted his heart proudly, just in time to see a pile of things on Yu Yuanyuan's bed, and turned into the same shocked eyes, "What are these?"

"It was given by my father..." Yuanyuan thought for a while, and then added, "The compensation for throwing away Yuanyuan."

"Dad? Is your biological father here?" Ding Miaomiao was completely stunned by what and what.

Yu Yuanyuan sat on the bed puffed up, the hard-carrying bed board creaked and wailed: "Yuanyuan finally found him, but he doesn't want Yuanyuan, and he wants to lose Yuanyuan."

"You sneaked out this time to find your father." Ding Miaomiao finally figured out the situation.

Several boys listened to it for a while, and then yelled sarcastically: "What father, she must be lying, if there is a father, why would she be sent back?"

"Hey, I heard it just now. I heard her calling the man in the car Dad, but no one responded to her at all."

After all, a few little boys laughed mischievously and made a bunch of them.

"Shut up, don't laugh at Yuanyuan, you bastards!" Ding Miaomiao casually grabbed the plastic basin on the table and threw it away. The little boy laughed and ran away.

"Let me see if this toy is a good thing."

One of them reached out and grabbed the little bunny doll on the bed, looked it over and over a few times, and finally took it to his own bed.

Others followed suit, taking the snacks under the bed and the quilt that looked warm.

The conditions of the orphanage are not very good, and they usually rely on donations from well-meaning people, but their orphanage is dilapidated and old, even if it is used to create an image of charity, it cannot be put on the table.

For a long time, no one has donated money, and there is no way to improve the quality of life.

Suddenly so many good things appeared, the little boys were scrambling to get the Yuanyuan things, and they didn't forget to boo and laugh at her shamelessly recognizing her father.

Soon, most of the things that Teacher Zhang put away were snatched away, and the bed was pulled crookedly.

Although Ding Miaomiao has high fighting power, those little boys are especially good at hiding. She can't deal with several of them alone, and gradually falls into the disadvantaged.


On the road where traffic is flowing, the noise outside is in stark contrast to the silence inside the car.

Gao Zhou didn't dare to speak out, he vaguely felt that Mr. Yu seemed to have something on his mind, and he didn't dare to disturb his thinking.

Because since getting in the car, Yu Jinxiao has maintained the same posture, and he hasn't even changed his movements.

No, it was too depressing, Gao Zhou wanted to take a breath, and opened the front window a little.

The wind scrambled to get in through the gap, and whirled around to Yu Jinxiao's hand.

A tickle on his fingertips brought him back to consciousness.

Yu Jinxiao frowned and looked at the ugly pennant, there was a lump under the word "Guai", as if something was covered.

Pulling away the red velvet cloth, a little lion doll with a silly expression was lying alone on the seat.

(End of this chapter)

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