The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 292 Could it be a fool?

Chapter 292 Could it be a fool?
Xiao Zaizai thought he had escaped successfully, but his head went black and he hit a lump heavily.

"Hey duck." Dizzy, she took a few steps back, Yu Yuanyuan raised her head, and there was a boy standing in front of her.

He was older than her and Han Ya, and seemed to be about the same age as Shen Ji's brother. His eyes were fierce, especially at this angle against the light, standing at the entrance of the alley like a terrifying evil spirit.

The boy put his hands on his waist, blocking Yu Zaizai's way of escape: "You are the one who bullied my sister?"

ah?She bullied his sister?

Who is his sister?

Xiao Zai Zai was stunned: "Huh?"

Boy: "Huh?"

Two pairs of eyes, big eyes and small eyes.

"Brother, she was the one who bullied me." Han Ya ran over, grabbed the boy's clothes, and smiled triumphantly behind her.

Only then did Yu Yuanyuan realize that this boy is Han Ya's brother!
But, why does Han Ya's tone seem to accuse her of bullying?

"Why are you bullying my sister?" The boy bent fiercely, deliberately moving closer to give Xiao Zai Zai a sense of oppression.

I don't understand why Yu Yuanyuan's expression is so dull all of a sudden, she looks left and right, and asks foolishly, "Huh?"

The boy thought that what he said was too incomprehensible: "Huh?"

The two chatted for a long time, the boy suddenly realized that he was being led astray by the little boy, he pursed his lips, and changed his words again: "What are you, I'm asking you a question."

"But...Yuanyuan has never bullied Han Ya," Yu Zaizai pulled the hem of his clothes aggrievedly while being stared at fiercely, and glanced up from time to time, "Really, Yuanyuan didn't."

The boy thought he was viciously blowing his eyebrows and staring, but...

The little guy in front of him doesn't look very bad, he's timid and pitiful, is he acting?

"I warn you, if you bully Han Ya again, I'll beat you to death, I'm her brother," the boy pointed to a certain direction beside the road, "My school is nearby, I can come and beat you anytime! Hit you before going to school, go to school after beating; beat you after school, go home after beating!"

In order to scare people, the boy spoke quickly and harshly, Yu Yuanyuan's not very bright little brain struggled to understand, and finally dealt with the overload, so he could only stay where he was.

There was no fear or panic on her small face.

Full of confusion and confusion, as if he didn't understand what he was saying.

The boy felt like he had been punched in the cotton. He turned his head suspiciously and asked Han Ya in a low voice, "Could your classmate be a fool? Why?"

If he was really a fool, it would be too embarrassing for him to bully a fool.

"No!!!" Han Ya exclaimed in shock, anxious to defend herself, "She... she is very cunning in school."

"Cunning?" Yu Zaizai remembered that this word used to describe people "smart" in TV dramas, his eyes lit up, "Thank you."

The boy stayed stupid: What a fool!

"Forget it, stay away from idiots in the future, she won't understand you if you tell me," the boy patted his sister on the head, wanting to take Han Ya away, "Let's go, let's go, brother will buy you ice cream."

"I don't!!" Han Ya was so angry that she jumped up and rushed up to push Yu Yuanyuan, "You apologize, you apologize to me, and say you are wrong!"

Xiao Zai Zai, who had no idea what was wrong with him, was even more confused, but was a little scared by Han Ya's aura.

The stiff little guy stood there, helpless and pitiful, looking at Han Ya who was approaching fiercely...

Even Han Ya's brother beside him began to feel that Han Ya was bullying Yu Yuanyuan.

"Hey, Xiaoya, don't bully her." The boy stretched out his hand to grab Han Ya, but a fairer arm passed over him and grabbed Han Ya.

(End of this chapter)

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