The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 3 Want to Steal Chapter Family Support Directly

Chapter 3 I Want to Steal It Home

Yu Yuanyuan pinched the crumpled banknotes, sensed the anger on Yu Jinxiao's body, and subconsciously lowered her voice: "Yuanyuan misses Dad...he came by himself...Dad, don't be angry, okay? Yuanyuan I just... just miss Dad!"

When she left Wonderland, she seemed to have forgotten to tell Leopard Cat Ma Ma and her brothers.

Is dad mad at her for running around by herself?
Every time Black Panther's father was angry, Yu Yuanyuan immediately pretended to be pitiful and admitted his mistake obediently, and her father couldn't get angry anymore.

"Gao Zhou, you drag her away right away, I don't want to waste time with her here." Yu Jinxiao's expression made the driver Gao Zhou realize that the situation was not good, the cold and stern look, this little milk bag will take it for a while.

It's very pitiful for such a cute child to come out to cheat people and money.

Gao Zhou really couldn't bear it, so he hurried to hug Yu Yuanyuan, wanting to take her away from Yu Jinxiao's side as soon as possible, lest she be affected by anger.

As soon as the arm was placed on Yu Yuanyuan's little stomach, the poor little stomach made a "cuckoo" sound for a long time.

It seems that this little milk bag has not eaten until now, and I don't know how long he has been hungry.

Other people's children should have eaten and drank their milk at this time, sitting on the sofa and playing with toys, or lying on the warm bed and getting ready to sleep.

Gao Zhou really didn't understand, how could someone have the heart to teach her to touch such a cute little milk bag?
What if something goes wrong?
Could it be a child who was abducted by human traffickers and forced to do these things?

This little milk bag clearly knows their husband, and can call him by name, although it is not very accurate.

"Dad, I want to stay with Dad, woo woo woo, Yuanyuan won't leave! Meow——" The little milk bag was caught in Gao Zhou's arm, and she waved her hands and feet fiercely with her teeth and claws.

The small body with short hands and short feet, like a round lotus root, obviously looks very miserable, but in the end it even made a "meow" sound.

Gao Zhou sniggered softly, his hands loosened slightly, Yu Yuanyuan got out when he saw the opportunity, and rushed towards the car door, obviously round and small, but full of momentum.

Looking at the difficult little milk bag outside, Yu Jinxiao frowned, and subconsciously pulled the car door to close it.

"Be careful!" Gao Zhou yelled anxiously.

In the car, Yu Jinxiao was about to close the door indifferently, but the little milk bag seemed not afraid of pinching his hands, and even rushed forward slyly, seeing that the little paws had already poked over.

It's over, I'm afraid this little brat won't be able to keep his hand!
There was a bang in Gaozhou's mind, his movements were stiff, and he subconsciously turned his head away and couldn't bear to look at the scene.

With their husband's character, he wouldn't care about a little guy's hand, and even more cruel things, Yu Jinxiao wouldn't even blink his eyes.

"Baba, Baba, shall we go home?" Yu Yuanyuan's soft voice sounded, clearly coming from the car!
Gao Zhou nervously opened one eye.

The car door was half closed, Yu Jinxiao squeezed the handle with his hand, he was dazed for a moment, the little milk bag actually got into the car, and crawled on top of him like a little sloth.

The little paws flipped nimbly, stepped on his high-end custom leather shoes and climbed onto him in twos and threes, finally bumped his head towards his heart, and found a comfortable place to lie down in his arms like a kitten.

"Ah," just lying down for less than a second, the little boy suddenly got up, trying to reach out to wipe the prints on Yu Jinxiao's shoes that she stepped on, "Yuanyuan accidentally stepped on daddy's paw, wipe it off. "

Gao Zhou covered his heart, woo woo woo, it's so cute, I want to steal it home and raise it! ! !

Yu Jinxiao didn't want to care about the life and death of this little milk bag just now, but the moment he closed the car door, he saw the little hand that came in from the gap, round and white, foamy and soft, so cute that it hit people's hearts.

YouQi's little paw was trying to reach out to him, as if craving for a little bit of his attention, even a little bit.

The cold and hard heart overflowed with a little softness at that moment.

Gao Zhou couldn't take it anymore, he was now fully focused on worrying about the little milk bag, all the hairs on his body stood on end, desperately trying to detect Yu Jinxiao's emotions.

Before Yu Jinxiao could make a move to embarrass himself, Gao Zhou leaned over to grab the little milk bag, but was suddenly blocked by a hand with strong knuckles.

Yu Jinxiao shook his palm to signal Gao Zhou not to move, his eyes were fixed on the little guy in his arms who was looking directly at him.

(End of this chapter)

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