Chapter 30
Yu Jinxiao was like an air-conditioning machine. After the children were too scared to speak, Teacher Zhang was also a little scared and confused.

Gao Zhou, who hadn't seen anyone for more than ten minutes, was worried and hurried over, just in time to bump into this weird scene.

Those who didn't know thought he was giving Yu Yuanyuan a head start!

Gao Zhou looked at the scene from afar and smiled helplessly, his husband would not do such a thing, he thought too much.

"You guys often bullied Yu Yuanyuan before, didn't you?" Yu Jinxiao's voice broke the strange stalemate.

Gao Zhou, who stopped by the door, was dumbfounded: No matter how you look at it, it seems like you are helping someone out!

The little kid who was stuck in the room with nowhere to go dared not speak, fearing that what he said would make too many mistakes, so he could only purse his lips tightly and pretend to be dead.

They didn't say anything, Yu Jinxiao turned his attention to the children who were watching: "Tell me, do those guys often bully Yuanyuan?"

A group of children who were not as tall as his waist looked confused. You looked at me and I looked at you. They seemed to have been oppressed by some kind of anxiety, and they dared not speak the truth.

Even Teacher Zhang next to him felt that something was wrong.

In front of him, this group of children were quite obedient, but unexpectedly... things don't seem to be what they appear to be.

Seeing that no one answered the question, Yu Jinxiao turned his face and glanced at Gao Zhou, his chin was light and his eyes were hinting.

Relying on his previous understanding of Mr. Yu, Gao Zhou immediately took out his mobile phone: "Ask someone to withdraw all donations from this orphanage..."

"What... what?!" Teacher Zhang was so frightened that he almost couldn't stand up.

If the orphanage, which has a poor cash flow, cuts off its donation channels from now on, wouldn't it just kill these children?
Yu Jinxiao frowned unhappily, and re-emphasized: "Sugar!"

By the way, he pointed to a large package of lollipops protruding from Gaozhou's clothes.

ah?That's it?

Gao Zhou couldn't figure it out, so he handed over the lollipop all at once.

Yu Jinxiao took the bag and waved it in front of the children like fishing: "Whoever tells me the truth, give him a lollipop."

"Zhouzhou used to pretend to be a monster at night to scare Yuanyuan."

"Zhou Zhou often pulls round braids."

"He also threw cockroaches and bugs beside Yuanyuan's bed."

Every time he talked about the past, Yu Jinxiao handed out a lollipop until——

Not one of the ten lollipops was left, and there were children who hadn't come to "complain" urgently.

"Mr. Zhang, did you hear it?" Yu Jinxiao threw away the empty packing bag and asked in a leisurely manner.

Teacher Zhang was covered in cold sweat, his eyes were bloodshot, and his arms were trembling faintly.

He was not afraid of Yu Jinxiao.

Instead, he blamed himself for not realizing that Yuanyuan was being bullied, thinking that all the children were obedient and obedient, and that everyone got along well.

Although he only got along with Yu Yuanyuan for one night, Yu Jinxiao has always been very accurate at seeing people, especially this kind of little milk bag who is not deep in the world and doesn't know how to hide himself.

She doesn't like to cause trouble for others, and she doesn't like to be willful. She is always obedient and has no careful thoughts.

Even if he was bullied, he would not sue, let alone fight back.

At first glance, those little devils were not something Yu Yuanyuan could beat.

"Sorry, Mr. Yu, I will talk to other teachers about this problem, and it will definitely not happen again in the future." Teacher Zhang felt guilty from the bottom of his heart, and kept apologizing, with sincere eyes.

But Yu Yuanyuan listened to them talking, but the light in her eyes gradually dimmed.

Dad's tone... probably won't pick her up, right?
She thought she had waited for hope and her father, but that moment of beauty was so short, like grabbing water foolishly while washing her face, but nothing could be left behind.

Like a sad little adult, Yu Yuanyuan let out a long sigh and got off Yu Jinxiao's lap.

With her hands behind her back, she staggered and planned to go back to tidy up her dirty quilt.

"Yu Yuanyuan, what are you doing? Why don't you go back with me?" Yu Jinxiao's voice was calm, as if he was talking about an unimportant and commonplace matter.

(End of this chapter)

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