The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 305 Asking Shen Ji to Have Dinner Together

Chapter 305 Asking Shen Ji to Have Dinner Together

Yu Jinxiao felt a pain in his temple, pinched the bridge of his nose, and sighed tiredly.

The assistant who was about to report to work was taken aback for a moment, thinking that he had done something wrong and was disgusted by Mr. Yu.

He hugged the file and stood obediently aside, even slowing down his breathing so as not to disturb Mr. Yu's call.

"What I mean by unhappy is that someone bullied you, not the unhappiness that didn't eat the biscuits!" Even though it's useless to say it, Yu Jinxiao feels that the conversation between himself and Xiao Zai Zai is like a martial arts trick Similarly, he didn't fight back and felt upset, "You shouldn't eat too much snacks, if you are so greedy again, I will ask the teacher to cut your biscuits in half!"

"Beep beep..." The phone hung up in seconds.

Yu Yuanyuan seemed to have heard a very scary ghost story on the phone, her face was pale, and her eyes were full of fear.

Chu Qi and Gu Beiyan could clearly see the emotion in those eyes.

The two children thought that something serious had happened, and asked concerned: "Yuanyuan, what's the matter with you? Why do you look very scared."

The still startled little Zai Zai covered the phone and watch with his hands, as if he was afraid that there would be some more devil whispers from his father.

"It's too scary," Yu Yuanyuan frightened her eyes round, "Daddy is too scary."

"Well, my dad is also scary when he is angry. His voice is very loud and his expression looks like he wants to eat people."

Chu Qi didn't speak, because she rarely saw her father, and she didn't have any "angry" memories about him.

Yu Yuanyuan, who nodded vigorously in agreement, said mysteriously: "Father said that he would ask the teacher to cut off half of Yuanyuan's biscuits!! It's scary!!"

Gu Beiyan: "..."

Chu Qi: "..."

Our "terror" does not seem to be on the same level.

Although he felt that this matter was not a big deal, Gu Beiyan patted his heart proudly for the sake of Xiaozaizai: "It's okay, if you run out of Yuanyuan biscuits, you can eat my biscuits."

"Really!!!" Yu Zaizai, who was on the verge of death last second, instantly revived with full blood.

Gu Beiyan felt that everything was worth it, and the little biscuit made a great contribution: "Of course it is true!"

Chu Qi, who didn't know how to keep up with the IQ of the two, fell silent.

The happiness brought by the biscuits lasted for several days.

Gu Beiyan kept his word, and would give half of his biscuits to Yu Yuanyuan every day.

Chu Qi, who didn't like biscuits very much, also gave her half.

Xiao Zai Zai is immersed in happiness every day.

Even when they parted on Friday afternoon, she was still a little bit reluctant, and when she watched Chu Qi and Gu Beiyan leave, her little eyes were very disappointed.

Hey, there will be no biscuits for two days!
Yuanyuan glanced at the little pink house behind her, little biscuit, Yuanyuan will miss you even on weekends.

After Yu Jinxiao picked up Xiao Zai Zai, he kept talking to Gao Zhou on the way home and ignored her.

Xiao Zai Zai, who couldn't understand what was being said at all, was very depressed. He looked to the right and to the front of his head. He tried to interrupt several times but was ignored by the two adults.

Finally, after the car quieted down, Xiao Zai Zai grabbed Yu Jinxiao's clothes a little depressed: "Ba Ba~~~ You haven't talked to Yuan Yuan since you saw Yuan Yuan today!"

Yu Jinxiao heard the little guy's complaint, and calmed down Yu Yuanyuan's unhappiness with one sentence: "Tomorrow I have an appointment with Shen Ji for dinner, do you want to go?"

"Really! I want to go!!!" Hearing that he could meet brother Shen Ji, Yu Zaizai hurriedly agreed, completely forgetting to ask why his father wanted to meet brother Shen Ji.

(End of this chapter)

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