The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 314 Who Can Escape?No!

Chapter 314 Who Can Escape?No!

Probably because he felt too intense a gaze, the man deliberately stopped, and his eyes met Shen Ji's.

"It's okay." Shen Ji looked away, picked up Yu Yuanyuan and left, "Yuanyuan, go back to eat."

"Okay~~" Happy Zai Zai patted his paws, nestled in Shen Ji's arms and looked behind him curiously.

That uncle... is still looking at them!
Yu Zaizai, who didn't understand the situation, tilted her head curiously, looked over the left shoulder, then the right shoulder, no matter how she looked for the angle, the uncle didn't look away.

"Brother Shen Ji, that Susu looks so good." The little boy put his head on Shen Ji's shoulder and spoke.

Opening and closing, the chin gently bumped against his shoulder bone.

Shen Ji didn't look back, he patted the cub in his arms, and said in a low voice, "Yuanyuan, good-looking people are deceptive, maybe they are not good people."

For Xiao Zaizai, she can understand the definition of a good person and a bad person.

This example is not difficult to understand.

It's just... Xiao Zai Zai doesn't understand, why do good-looking people have "slicing"?
Is it too big to taste?

"But, brother Shen Ji is so good-looking," Xiao Zai Zai's claws gently encircled his neck, "Brother Shen Ji is a good guy who beats the level!"

Shen Ji didn't say anything.

In his heart, he never thought that he could be regarded as "good guy" standard in Yu Yuanyuan's heart.

Back in the box, Xiao Zai Zai smelled the smell of food again before entering the door, and immediately turned his head to look at the table with bright eyes.

Another new dish.

Just as Shen Ji put Yu Yuanyuan back into the baby chair, someone knocked on the box door.

Once, twice, soft but each sound seems to knock on Shen Ji's heart.

"Come in." Yu Jinxiao continued to move the knife and fork absently, thinking that the waiter was about to serve the food.

The door that can be pushed open is the man in a black suit.

"I didn't expect Mr. Yu to be here," the man squeezed out an official smile, but his eyes tilted towards Shen Ji intentionally or unintentionally, "Just to say hello, did you not disturb Mr. Yu?"

"I don't want to bother you," Yu Jinxiao understood the moment he saw him, "Maybe, let's go out and talk?"


The point-and-stop conversation seemed to say nothing, and it seemed that everything was said.

Yu Jinxiao went out for about fifteen minutes, and Shen Ji glanced at the crack of the door from the corner of his eye.


The man came back, but Yu Jinxiao didn't mention anything, and didn't even give Shen Ji a second look.

Shen Ji tried his best to cover up the uneasiness and uneasiness in his heart, but even so, his blankness from time to time still revealed his absent-mindedness.

This meal seemed to make the atmosphere tense and anxious after the man appeared.

Yu Jinxiao seems to be drinking, but every time he looks casually, he notices something unusual about Shen Ji.

It seems that there are some things, he said that he doesn't need help, but he doesn't care at all.

After eating, the superficial "thank you" can be regarded as an end.

Gao Zhou was driving to send Shen Ji home, but while waiting for a traffic light at a certain intersection, Yu Zaizai saw something amazing.

"Baba, Yuanyuan wants to sit on that panda," Happy Zaizai raised his chubby fingers out of the car window, pointing to a small video game mall by the roadside, "That's a panda, Yuanyuan recognizes it!"

Knowing the panda also gave this little cub a sense of pride.

Yu Jinxiao glanced at the ugly rocking car on the side of the road, and frowned: "If you like it, I'll buy one next time and keep it at home."

"But, Yuanyuan wants to play right now." The milky little cub lay on the car window, turned his head and stared helplessly, his bright eyes were full of pleading.

Who can escape?

Yu Jinxiao looked serious on the surface, but compromised on the spot in his heart: "You can only play once, don't keep playing."

(End of this chapter)

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