The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 325 "Great" Tags

Chapter 325 "Great" Tags

Mo Yanrui was also stunned by the words.

It seems to be the truth...

The adults are quietly discussing their marriage through the name of golf.

The little friends who played next door didn't know it at all, and were still immersed in their own happiness.

Yu Yuanyuan squatted on the ground to watch the ants, built a maze with grass and branches, and let the little ants go around in circles.

The twins, who are past the age of playing ants, feel a little bored, but watching the cubs play seems to be very interesting.

"Little ants, come on, come on, the exit is ahead!" Yu Yuanyuan clapped his paws and shouted beside him, the lively atmosphere made them all want to join in.

But they are no longer the kind of childish brats, it is mentally retarded to shout such cheers.

When the same thing happened to Yu Yuanyuan, it seemed different.

That chubby little cutie was squatting on the ground, unable to step on the rhythm when pawing with claws, her eyes were shining and watching the ants crawl seriously, like a pure little angel.

"Brother Yunqing, the ants are crawling to your side, you have to be careful." Afraid that Mo Yunqing would accidentally step on it, the little boy sweetly called his name to remind him.

When Mo Yunqing heard that "Brother Yunqing", her heart seemed to have spilled honey, and the sticky sweetness filled her chest to the brim.

Mo Yunlan, who didn't have the same treatment, was a little tasteless. He frowned uncomfortably, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

Straightening her back, Mo Yunlan asked curiously, "How can you tell us apart?"

"Ah? You are different." Yu Zaizai took the time to respond to him, and continued to cheer for the little ant.

Amidst her cheering cheers, the ant finally broke through the little maze she set up and returned to the nearby grass.

The twins looked at each other, not believing what Yu Yuanyuan said so lightly.

Was it just a coincidence?

The two of them carefully checked today's hairstyle and clothes, completely replicating them, and there was no difference at all.

Sometimes even the father would misidentify them, not to mention the classmates, who can only be distinguished by other name tags on the chest.

God gave them exactly the same face, exactly the same body, it seems that everything has become the same, everyone is unique, but they are not.

"I don't believe it, you turn around, let's switch positions and you guess." Mo Yunlan helped Xiao Zai Zai up and made her face the railing, and she couldn't turn around until she heard the sound.

The two quickly exchanged clothes and shoes behind their backs, and then pretended to be indifferent and changed positions.

"Okay, you can turn around."

Xiao Zaizai turned around, stared at them left and right, and said, "This is brother Yunqing, and that is brother Yunlan."

Completely correct! ! !

Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan still couldn't believe it, they got closer and looked for details on each other's faces.

Except for some small and inconspicuous moles, there is nothing that can tell them apart at once!

In order to test Xiao Zai Zai again, the two asked Yu Yuanyuan to turn her back again, exchanged the clothes, and simply left her to choose the back.

From Yu Yuanyuan's point of view, this is like an interesting new game, but it's not difficult.

Walking up to the figure that looked exactly the same, Xiao Zaizai grabbed the corner of the clothes on the right side of the figure: "This is brother Yunlan," and grabbed the other corner of the clothes with his left hand, "This is brother Yunqing."

That's right again! ! !How was this discovered? ?

Yu Yuanyuan, who only had the label of "cute" in their hearts, suddenly had the label of "powerful".

(End of this chapter)

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