Chapter 327 So Many Idiots at a Young Age
"Ah, Yuanyuan didn't hold it firmly." The guilty boy shrank his neck, ran over to get the pole back, hugged the club with both hands and shook it from side to side as if to please.

The father and son of the Mo family, who were resting not far away, had three eyes on that cute little cub.

"Yuanyuan is so cute," Mo Yanrui smiled and sighed, "I wanted to have a daughter before, but..."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the two brats beside him, and exhaled a long breath from his nose.

The twins dare not speak out, but Yuanyuan is really cute, who wouldn't like her?

"Can you fight a little bit?" Thinking of the conversation with Yu Jinxiao just now, Mo Yanrui said angrily, "We must work hard to become best friends with Yuanyuan! Best friends!"

Inside and outside the words, Mo Yanrui emphasized the word "best".

It's really too early to talk about marriage now, especially seeing how stupid the two sons are, he doesn't expect them to do anything.

The first step is to become Yu Yuanyuan's best friend first!
Childhood sweethearts and so on, isn't this the basic mix of romance dramas?

Besides, he has two sons, and he can always bet on one of them.

"Well, father, don't worry, we will work hard to become Yuanyuan's best friends!" The twins have inherited their father's temper. When it comes to people or things they like, they have the determination to bite the prey, and will not let others People surpass themselves.

"Okay, father is optimistic about you." The father who always beat and scolded them when they met each other, actually spoke affirmative words for them for the first time today.

The twins suddenly wanted to cry, but if they shed tears in front of their father, they would be scolded.

My father always said that boys should not cry, crying is cowardly and useless, and no one likes such a person.

Rubbing her eyes, Mo Yunqing rushed over to play with Yu Yuanyuan before tears welled up in her eyes.

Because their father likes to play golf, the two brothers have been in contact with each other since they were young. Although they are not good at golf, at least they are much better than Xiao Zai Zai.

"Yuanyuan, do you want me to teach you?" Mo Yunqing took the initiative to attack, just standing still on the left with a stick, Mo Yunlan also appeared on the right.

The two of them guarded Yu Yuanyuan like door gods on the left and the right, and they were vying to teach her personally.

Yu Jinxiao felt that he had become a foil.

Forget it, this kind of life-threatening thing should be left to other people's sons to do it.

Thinking of this, Yu Jinxiao also retreated to the rest area.

Mo Yanrui thought that Yu Jinxiao had tacitly accepted his son and Yuanyuan as good friends, so he laughed so hard that his face almost died.

"Yuanyuan, it's like this..."

"Don't listen to him, that's right!"

The twins who usually vent their breath from one nostril are actually fighting each other and almost turning against each other.

Yu Yuanyuan stood between the two, like the trough of a mountain, the top of her head was blown out of breath by their loud voices when they were arguing, her hair was almost messed up.

Xiao Zaizai, who didn't understand what they taught at all, silently clenched the club, flicked it casually, and followed the ball with a smile on his hands.

After hearing the laughter of "hahaha" in the distance, the twins realized that Yu Yuanyuan didn't wait for them and went to play by herself.

"Yuanyuan! I'll teach you!"

"Go away, I'll teach you, I'm a better player than you."

Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan ran and pushed each other, trying to occupy the most favorable position next to Xiao Zai Zai.

Seeing this scene in the rest area, Yu Jinxiao suddenly had a headache.

You provoked so much grass at a young age, what if you grow up?
"Yuanyuan! It's really Yuanyuan!!!" An excited voice sounded from the passage on the left. Yu Jinxiao heard it a little familiar. He turned his head and looked at it. After thinking for a while, he remembered that it was Yu Yuanyuan's classmate in kindergarten. North dialect.

(End of this chapter)

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