The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 345 The voice is so cold that Xiao Zai Zai feels strange

Chapter 345 The voice is so cold that Xiao Zai Zai feels strange
"Dad, Dafa said thank you!" Yuan Yuanzai, the meow whisperer, dutifully translated.

Yu Jinxiao was silent.

He didn't believe the childish dialogues these children made up their minds!
Pretending to turn around coldly, Yu Jinxiao walked around Dahua and went straight back to the villa.

The group of people in the yard didn't care about him, they just played around with Dahua until dark.

Dahua is too human, and with Yu Yuanyuan around, there are many things they can play.

Punching balls, catching toy mice, teasing cats, flying little spirals...

Most of these things were bought by Gao Zhou, but for every cat toy, Gao Zhou bought them all in one go.

The thing he had been thinking about was finally settled, and Xiao Zaizai happily lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to calm down.

From now on, Dahua will officially become a member of the family, and it doesn't need to go out to wander, and she won't quarrel with Baba again.

There was nowhere to express the happiness in his heart, Yu Zaizai suddenly thought of brother Shen Ji, grabbed the phone and watch that had been taken off, poked it, and dialed the number decisively.

A few seconds later, the connection over there was fast, and an indifferent voice sounded: "Yu Yuanyuan? What are you doing?"

what!Why is dad talking in the watch.

Oops, Yuanyuan was wrong.

Yu Jinxiao held his cell phone in his bedroom with a puzzled look on his face.

Why are you still calling when you're all at home?

However, the thoughts of children cannot be measured by the thoughts of adults.

When chatting with partners before, because we all have children, we would occasionally exchange information about our children.

Even at home, children want to make videos and make phone calls with their parents, and they think this is a special pleasure.

And the selected parents also have a great status in the hearts of the children, and they can be described as the chosen ones.

Listening to the silence on the other end of the phone, Yu Jinxiao subconsciously sat up straight, getting ready to communicate with Xiao Zai Zai.

Unexpectedly, there was a few seconds of silence over there, and the childish voice said, "Oh, Dad, Yuanyuan dialed the wrong number. Yuanyuan wanted to call brother Shen Ji, bye bye."

Before Yu Jinxiao could say another word, the phone hung up with a "beep beep".

This is... the treatment of the chosen one? ?
After hanging up his father's phone, Yu Zaizai carefully selected Shen Ji's name this time, repeatedly recalled the shape of Shen Ji's brother's name twice in his mind, and confidently clicked on the call.

The phone rang almost ten times, and finally someone answered.

Before the people over there could speak, Xiao Zai Zai first politely introduced himself: "Hi, this is Yuan Yuan, I want to find Brother Shen Ji~Thank you~~"

There was no sound from the receiver, and several seconds later, Shen Ji's voice reached Yu Yuanyuan's ears.

"Is there a problem?"

Seems a little different from before?
Why did elder brother Shen Ji's voice be cold, and he didn't call her by her name.

Although she felt that something was wrong in her heart, Yu Yuanyuan, who was overwhelmed by happiness, said excitedly: "Brother Shen Ji, Yuanyuan has Meow Meow, it's called Dafa! Dad didn't agree at first, but today he finally agreed, and he still Bought a cat villa for Dafa, it’s pretty good-looking!"

As usual, after happily sharing her happiness, Yu Yuanyuan waited for brother Shen Ji's response.

But after waiting and waiting, there was no sound from the other end of the phone for a long time.

"Brother Shen Ji?" Xiao Zai Zai called weakly.

"Well, is there anything else?" Shen Ji didn't respond to the "happy" she chirped, his voice was so cold that Xiao Zai Zai felt strange.

For some reason, her heart suddenly felt a little scared, it was a bad premonition that the beauty she was accustomed to was about to turn bad.

(End of this chapter)

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