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Chapter 358 Are You Deliberately Alienating Yuanyuan?

Chapter 358 Are You Deliberately Alienating Yuanyuan?

I heard from Yu Yuanyuan before that Yu Mingxi was not in good health, but Shen Ji didn't know what the problem was.

But Yu Mingxi's expression and reaction, there is something wrong at first glance, Shen Ji couldn't help but turn around and help him: "What's wrong with you?"

Not even breathing enough to answer, Yu Mingxi finally took out the medicine from the bag, sprayed it several times with shaking hands, and finally breathed smoothly.

The classmates who came out of the school were all looking at them, and they were getting more and more attention.

Shen Ji didn't like being stared at like this, so he frowned and stared back, and the group of people immediately looked away.

"It's nothing. It's probably because of the recent weather. When I came here just now, I ran for a while..." Yu Mingxi's complexion improved, and there was a smile on his face when he spoke.

"Do you have asthma?" Shen Ji asked.

Yu Mingxi nodded, glanced at those who were carefully peeking at them, and suggested again: "Can you find a place to sit down and have a good talk?"

The person in front of him was Yu Yuanyuan's elder brother, no matter how cruel Shen Ji was, he couldn't ignore a patient.

Everyone deliberately came to the door, even if he refused, Yu Mingxi would definitely continue to follow.

Let him work so hard, maybe his asthma will attack again.

Shen Ji sighed and said, "Okay."

There were few shops near the school, so Yu Mingxi took him to a small road not far away, where there were many fast food restaurants and drink shops, they randomly chose one and ordered some drinks to sit down.

There are very few people in the store, probably because the location is too remote, and the quiet environment is just right for them to talk.

"What do you want to tell me?" Shen Ji went straight to the point, not wanting to waste time beating around the bush.

If there is a problem, he will solve it. He has never been a person who likes to procrastinate and perfunctory.

"Are you alienating Yuanyuan on purpose?" Yu Mingxi took a sip of juice and asked softly, "If I'm not wrong, probably after you came back from eating together, you made up your mind to keep a distance from Yuanyuan?"

After analyzing and thinking, Yu Mingxi decided that it was impossible for things to change for no reason, and something must have happened that day that he didn't know about.

"I just don't want to waste any more time coaxing the children." Shen Ji's eyes were cold, but he didn't dare to look into Yu Mingxi's eyes. He just stared at the cup in front of him. "The academic work in the key class is very heavy. I don't want to spend any time..."

"Did your father say something bad that made you make such a decision?" Yu Mingxi looked calmly, the more impartial he was, the more uncomfortable Shen Ji felt, "Everyone has their own reasons for doing things, but Your reasoning is very far-fetched, you can only deceive Yuanyuan, it is impossible to deceive me."

"No, it has nothing to do with Mr. Yu." Shen Ji raised his head in surprise, never expecting that Yu Mingxi would suspect his father.

"Really? If he said something, you can tell me, and I will look at it from a fair point of view." Probably because he was used to his father's temper before, Yu Mingxi thought that his father would definitely suspect Shen Ji's contact with Yuanyuan is purposeful, thereby cutting off their contact.

In fact, Yu Jinxiao was really suspicious, but he didn't interfere with the relationship between the two.

As long as Yu Yuanyuan is happy and Shen Ji's "purpose" doesn't affect him, then Yu Jinxiao won't bother to fight against Xiao Zai Zai.

Everyone could see that Yu Yuanyuan liked Shen Ji very much and regarded him as his best friend.

"It's none of Mr. Yu's business, it's just..." Shen Ji didn't want to say too much, but Mr. Yu was involved in the matter, so he had to say something.

Yu Jinxiao is a respectable person in his heart, and he doesn't want Yu Mingxi to have doubts.

"Everything is because of me."

(End of this chapter)

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