The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 370 Dangerous Breath

Chapter 370 Dangerous Breath

Yu Mingxi's pupils quake immediately.

Is this still that clumsy little cub?The reaction is too fast! ! !

Holding the spoon, he also turned an angle abruptly, and stuffed something to Shen Ji: "Shen Ji, come."

Shen Ji who was forced to take the spoon and ice cream: "..."

It was only then that Yu Jinxiao noticed that there was another figure in front of him, and Shen Ji's back seemed to be full of embarrassing helplessness.

"Shen Ji?"

"Mr. Yu." Shen Ji held the ice cream and waved hello calmly.

Yu Jinxiao nodded, and glanced at Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Mingxi, as if to determine who brought Shen Ji back.

It's not impossible to bring friends to play at home, but for Shen Ji...his presence in Yu Jinxiao's heart has a different meaning from ordinary friends coming to play at home.

"Father, I promised to borrow a book from Shen Ji, and I happened to meet him today, so I asked him to come home with me." Yu Mingxi quickly stood up and explained.

Yu Yuanyuan is still too young, she can't bear the responsibility of bringing friends home casually.

"En." Yu Jinxiao didn't say anything, nodded, took a glass of water and went back to the study.

In fact, Yu Mingxi knew that the excuse he made in a hurry had a lot of loopholes.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for him to meet Shen Ji on his way out of school.

However, Dad didn't ask, and he didn't need to explain too much.

"Brother Shen Ji, Yuanyuan wants to introduce you to a good friend!" Xiao Zaizai pointed to the yard, desperately hinting with his eyes, "Let's go, let's go to the yard!"

"Let's go." Shen Ji nodded and helped Yu Yuanyuan continue to manage her precious ice cream.

The three children came to Dahua's cat villa. It was dark inside, and there was a big raccoon cat curled up, flicking its tail lazily and closing its eyes.

But as she fell asleep, Dahua suddenly felt an unusually dangerous aura approaching, and her lightly closed cat eyes opened sharply.

Outside the door of the transparent cat villa... three heads are looking at it.

"Meow!" Dahua sniffed her breath and was nearby, even as if she was close at hand.

Yu Yuanyuan knocked on the door of the Cat Villa politely: "Dahua, Yuanyuan wants to introduce a good friend to you~~"

Confused, Dahua tilted her head, knocked open the door with her chubby body and walked out.

But as soon as he left the cat villa, the strong sense of danger became even stronger!
It sniffed, and the animal's keen intuition allowed Dahua to find the source of the dangerous feeling - that strange boy.

"Meow!" Da Hua fiercely took a step back, raised her tail and cat's head to pose a threat to Shen Ji.

Yu Mingxi had never seen such a fierce big flower, and asked Yuanyuan in amazement: "What's wrong with the big flower?"

Xiao Zaizai probably guessed something, and squatted aside to comfort Dahua's back: "Don't be nervous, Dafa, this is brother Shen Ji, he is Yuanyuan's good friend, he is a good person!"

Every time Yu Yuanyuan praised others, Yu Mingxi couldn't help but want to laugh at her lack of words.

It seems that "good guy" is the best compliment in her dictionary.

Da Hua's body pressed back, and she meowed suspiciously: "What? He's a good person? But Ben Miao smells a dangerous aura on him!"

Yu Yuanyuan suddenly remembered that Daju had said similar things when she was in kindergarten.

Can they smell bad things on Shen Ji's brother?

Could it be... that hunger luck! ?

"Yuanyuan, I haven't been very fond of small animals since I was a child." Shen Ji rolled up his sleeves, revealing a thin white scar on his arm. A scar."

Probably because of Shen Ji's fair skin, the blanched scar was not too obvious, and Yu Yuanyuan hadn't noticed it before.

"Brother Shen Ji, Yuanyuan is here now!" Zizi Zaizai puffed up her chest with her hips akimbo.

(End of this chapter)

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