The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 380 The only constant is her cuteness

Chapter 380 The only constant is her cuteness

No way?
Yu Yuanyuan stared blankly at the phone, feeling a sudden burst of sadness in her heart.

She seems to have accidentally hung up on Shen Ji's brother! !
"Wow, Yuanyuan was not careful." Anxiously, Zai Zai jumped up on the spot, rolled on the bed, pinched Yuan Yuanrou's arm and started poking the phone watch.

Regardless of Shen Ji's hearing or not, Xiaozui explained to himself, it seems that only in this way can he feel at ease.

Yu Yuanyuan dialed Shen Ji's number again, and after less than three rings, the other party connected quickly.

"Brother Shen Ji, Yuanyuan accidentally knocked it off, it wasn't on purpose." Xiao Zai Zai hurriedly put his mouth on the watch and explained loudly.

The volume was suddenly amplified several times, almost deafening Shen Ji's ears.

Subconsciously moving the receiver away a little bit, Shen Ji smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, what is Yuanyuan doing now?"

"Yuanyuan was looking at the album just now," Xiao Zaizai pulled the album to him, "but the words on it Yuanyuan couldn't understand."

Some picture books will write some simple dialogues, mostly for the convenience of parents to read to children.

Shen Ji couldn't imagine Yu Jinxiao sitting on the edge of the bed and reading the album to Yu Yuanyuan.

That kind of situation was too fantasy, not Yu Jinxiao's style at all.

"Yuanyuan is still young, when she grows up, she will learn a lot of words." Shen Ji suddenly realized that everyone will grow up, whether it is him or Xiao Zai Zai.

But combined with the silly little guy now, he can't imagine what Yuanyuan will look like when he grows up.

Probably the only constant is her cuteness.

"Wow, will he become as powerful as brother Shen Ji?" In Xiao Zaizai's heart, brother Shen Ji is a top student, the best.

Shen Ji chuckled across the phone: "Of course, he will be stronger than me."

Xiao Zaizai held the phone and smiled foolishly, Gada's door opening sound came from the receiver, and a series of heavy footsteps were getting closer and closer, as if he had reached brother Shen Ji's side.

"Shen Ji, why are you on the phone again?" A drunken voice sounded over there, and Yu Yuanyuan immediately recognized that it was Brother Shen Ji's bad uncle.

The drunken voice was full of impatience and fierceness, a little frightening the little cub.

Shen Ji didn't answer immediately.

Perhaps it should be said that no matter how you explain it, it is no use trying to find trouble.

"I'm asking you something, are you dumb?" The uncle raised his voice, and stretched out his hand to deliberately tug on Shen Ji's collar.

"Yuanyuan, wait a minute." After the earpiece rustled for a while, there was no sound.

Shen Ji covered the topic on his side, and only let go of his hand after the drunken uncle finished cursing and went to the bedroom.

"Hello~~" Xiao Zaizai waited for a few minutes, then called the phone anxiously, "Brother Shen Ji~~"

"Yuanyuan, it's alright." Shen Ji's voice remained gentle, and no one knew what happened during the few seconds when the phone lost its voice.

Although Xiao Zaizai couldn't see it, when she thought of the scene of the bad uncle beating Shen Ji's brother before, she curled up into a ball and hummed sadly: "Did Yuanyuan call for too long, did it affect Shen Ji's brother? "

"I called Yuanyuan," Shen Ji comforted Xiao Zaizai softly, "Yuanyuan..."

"Yuanyuan is here!"

"It's okay, it's nothing, it seems it's getting late, Yuanyuan should go to bed early, see you in kindergarten tomorrow."

Yu Yuanyuan widened her eyes excitedly.

what!Brother Shen Ji will come to see her at the gate of the kindergarten tomorrow!

Great, she must not stay in bed late!

"Okay, brother Shen Ji, good night." After hanging up the phone, Xiao Zai Zai went to find Aunt Chen to wash up.

On the other end of the phone, Shen Ji had a few bruises on his arm from being pinched, and his fair skin contrasted those marks completely.

(End of this chapter)

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