The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 386 Only Yuanyuan is not good at all

Chapter 386 Only Yuanyuan is not good at all

Mo Yun is young, but his movements are particularly flexible. After stepping on the bicycle, he can perfectly control its balance and adjust it to make several difficult single-wheel upright poses.

Only then was the skateboard so handsome that Xiao Zai Zai gave a "wow" and turned around to look at the bicycle seriously.

After a smooth performance, Yu Yuanyuan's palms were already flushed: "Wow, so handsome, so handsome, brother Yunqing is so amazing."

The next second, the twins gathered around and launched an attack on Yu Yuanyuan: "Then who do you think is more handsome, Yuanyuan?"

Two pairs of eyes stared at her closely, as if they had to get a definite answer, and no one wanted to admit defeat.

Yu Yuanyuan looked at the two people in front of her, and said "ah", her voice suddenly lost her excitement: "Brother Yunqing and Brother Yunlan are both very good, only...only Yuanyuan is not good at all, and knows nothing .”

Oh, why did he still make Xiao Zai Zai depressed.

The twins quickly squatted down, pulling her paws from left to right to comfort her: "Yuanyuan is also very good, the piranha I made before is very good."

"Yes, yes, and Yuanyuan is... very edible."

Frustrated, Yu Yuanyuan looked at him with pitiful eyes: "Is being able to eat it considered powerful?"

"Of course, people depend on food."

Although he doesn't know what "food is the paramount necessity of the people", but Mo Yunqing said that, Xiao Zai Zai felt that he was amazing for no reason.

"Can Yuanyuan try that?" Xiao Zaizai stretched out his claws, curiously pointed at the skateboard in Mo Yunlan's hand, and then turned to the bicycle, "Yuanyuan also wants to try that."

The twins didn't agree right away. It took them a long time and a lot of energy to learn these two things, and it's not something they can play casually.

Besides, both of these are dangerous, especially for a little guy like Yu Yuanyuan.

But looking at those sparkling eyes, Mo Yunlan and Mo Yunqing couldn't bear to refuse.

"Yes, but it's dangerous for Yuanyuan to play alone. Can we play with you?" Mo Yunqing proposed a compromise solution.

Yu Yuanyuan didn't make a fuss, and nodded obediently: "Okay, okay."

Mo Yunlan put the skateboard back on the ground and pressed it with both hands: "Yuanyuan, stand up, be careful."

"Okay." Xiao Zai Zai stepped on the skateboard, not daring to move, like a dumb little penguin.

Afraid that she would slip and fall, Mo Yunqing hooked her arm with both hands from the side, like a moving human hanger: "Okay, Yunlan, try to push the skateboard."

It is said that Yu Yuanyuan was skateboarding alone, and in the end the busiest one became twins.

One helped her with the skateboard, and the other helped her herself.

"Wow, wow, it seems like I'm riding in a car." Yu Yuanyuan has never played with such a novel thing before. She stretched her arms and swayed in mid-air like wings. "Can Yuanyuan step on it by herself? Just like Yun Like Brother Lan, whirring..."

Mo Yunlan stopped, raised her head uncertainly and peeked at her brother, as if asking for his opinion.

According to Yu Yuanyuan's current balance, she would be easily injured, but Mo Yunlan couldn't bear to refuse her such a small request.

"How about this, we are holding you from left to right, and you have to hold our hands firmly," Mo Yunqing didn't have time to compete with Mo Yunlan, and waved his hand to signal him to go, "If you are unbalanced, or feel that you are going to If you fall, we will catch you immediately, don't be afraid."

"Yuanyuan knows."

Mo Yunlan took the skateboard to a farther flat road, and the twins held Xiao Zai Zai's hand tightly from left to right: "Okay, let's start."

(End of this chapter)

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